Imagine #1

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Ugh, I really hate some of these comments, they are so negative. Ian thinks as he jumps into bed. I take off my shirt and rub my arms. Still sore from today's workout. I see someone in the other side of the bed. Weird, i usually sleep alone. Loren hates my bed. I pull back the black velvet covers that she loves but is outrageously expensive and I find a rare sleeping Loren in my bed.

"Wow." I say out loud. I find myself all the time just stunned by her beauty without all the makeup. She looks stunning. I wish this moment would last forever but is rudely abrupted by a stupid car. The blaring horn awakens my literal sleeping beauty. Her eyes flutter awake and her cheeks redden.

"Oh, Ian. Im sorry, I'll leave. This bed is yours anyways, too small for me."

It's adorable how she wraps the blanket around her and like a beautiful draping cape it flows way past her legs too the floor. I can't help but admire how she looks when she doesn't try or try to impress anyone. She is obviously embarrassed for me to see her without anything on. How adorable. I beckon for her to come back over. She sits down by me with her exquisite blanket wrapped up too close around her body for comfort. I touch her back and she slowly becomes less tense. She scoots over by me and our knees are touching while we are both crisscrossed on the bed. I lift her up and sit her where she is straddling me. She slowly untightens her white clenched hands from the soft blanket and wraps it around both of us. I'm obviously happy as I look down.

"Hey, eyes up here. Earth to Ian."

"Sorry, whaa." I reply knocked out of that moment like a rubber mallet hitting me upside the head.

She smiles and rolls her eyes, then her eyes come back down to mine. Her smile suddenly drops.

"Ian, I know that look. What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it, Loren. It's not that big of a deal." I start to tickle her sides to distract her from my frustration on how some people don't see how beautiful she is. I hate it so much. I see her some days get on her phone to put it down minutes later and go to the bathroom for way too long. She comes out with her eyes red and she lies about it. I can always tell when she lies.

Loren starts to scream in laughter as she is begging me to stop. She is practically siezing in my bed. She turns to me as she is so breathless and punches me in the chest.


"Woah, Woah, WOAH."


oof comes out of both of our mouths as the breath has been knocked out of both of our lungs.

How did Loren push us both off the bed?

The velvet blanket still is on the bed and I realize it way before Loren does. Angry tears trail out of my eyes as Loren jumps back on top of me.

"Hey," She coaxes me.

"What's wrong?" She starts to rub my face and the tears away as I turn my head. She slowly moves it back in her direction.

"Talk to me, baby."

I finally have courage to speak as I muster up, "All these people say such horrible things about you! You're so sweet and pure, you don't deserve all this, yo-you- you don't deserve me. I've been such a bad boyfriend lately. I haven't tried to find out why you cry all the time in the bathroom. But, I understand now. It sucks and im so sorry."

Loren is so shocked at me crying. She's never seen me do this before.

"You know what?"

"What?" What is loren up to, I wonder?

"I think we both need a break from social media."

" Oh, good. What a great idea. I've been milling, trying to find a way to find a way out of this negativity but I think you're on to something, Loren."

"Thanks, darling."

Ian looks at loren again.

"Hey, what did I tell you about my eyes are up here?" Loren quickly chides me.

I hear the beep of the keypad on my door lock. I quickly turn around as Sister James walks in on her phone.

"Hey, Ian. Are you alright, I heard a thud?"

James looks up from her phone to me then to Loren, then back to me. I quickly cover loren with my body and yell at James to leave.

"Hey, don't be so sister sassy with me. You live in my house, you know?"

"Get out." Me and Loren say in unison.

I turn around to Loren who is hella embarrassed.

"Hey, I'm sorry about James."

"Oh, get in bed with me!"

"Gladly." I say with one more peek at her.



A/N- This is my very first time writing a story or fanfic. I hope you enjoy. Loren and Ian made their relationship insta official and I definitely ship it but I also ship me and Ian lol. Like hit me with a train daddy. Sorry I'll stop there. BTW I dont update often because I only have bursts of inspiration. If you comment story lines and stuff I will be able to make a story from it and give you credit!! 

Anyways thanks for reading XOXO


Insta: etx.princess

879 words!

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