Prelude - The Game Begins

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A/N - I own the characters and this is inspired by the Angels of Death. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Also, it would be on the first-person narrative just in case you need to know.



Mmm...? Wha... what happened...? Ugh, I can't remember shit! Where am I? I force to open up my eyes, much to my constant headache. Wait a minute... this isn't the building I was heading to.

In fact, it looks so old and ancient that I swear, it would collapse at any moment. I sigh and heard weird typing noises. I turn my head around and literally see a typewriter typing by itself! I-Am I going insane?!

I quickly rub my eyes and stands up as I see the typewriter wrote 'What is your name?'. I gulp and I rather not answer that. I walk toward the door and starts pulling, which it's locked. I tried pushing, but nothing.
"Gah! Fuck!"

I growl and turn to the typer. I guess I have no choice but answer that question. I walk towards the typewriter where I just answer, "Sierra,"

Suddenly, it starts typing again where it asks 'Why are you here?'
"Honestly, I don't know," I answered it, "I'm just going to a party invited by one of my friends and suddenly, I got knocked out,"

Now that I said that... who attacked me? Why did this happen to me? Just... why?

Suddenly, I heard a large crack noise, which I quickly turn around and notice the metal door is open. Yes! Bingo!

I rush out, though I did wobble a bit because I'm in high heels. I should take them off... Nah, it's not like I'm surrounded by monsters or anything, so I can just take my time.

Oh... my... god... I'm in some kind of European castle where there's a chandelier, a red floor rug like those royal families had, terrazzo-made floor and brown bricks-made walls. Wow... I'm in a castle! Is this going to be like Beauty and Beast kind of shit because if so, I am not actress-material!

I sigh and walking around to explore the area, yet, I realised something odd about this place, but... what is that something...?

"Hello there..."
"Eek!" I gasped as I was looking around until I notice a speaker at the corner of the room. A speaker? What's a speaker doing here in an old-fashioned castle, along with that metal door?

"Now, you must be very confused, Miss Thompson,"
"Damn straight I am!" I shouted, "Now, let me fucking out of here!"

"Now, now, don't be so impatient," The speaker told me... ugh... "If you want your freedom, then you must play my game,"
"... And that is?" I asked bitterly as I'm really getting fed with all this bullshit already.

"You must go through ten floors where you will play tag," The speaker said. "The goal is to survive and rush to the elevator,"

Huh? Okay, simple en-wait a minute...
"Wha-what do you mean by 'survive'?" I asked nervously.

"If you get tagged, well your head will be cut off by one of my employees," The speaker explained... fuck! "All of my employees are either serial killers or assassins, so... pick a god and pray..."

The speaker cuts off and a bit of the wall suddenly shifts to an elevator. Oh... god... why... why me? Why can't it be someone else?! Why?! I-I have to get out of here! Now! But... they said the only exit is just playing the so-called game... ugh... I guess I have no choice to play this shit.

I slowly walk up to the elevator and takes a deep breath as I enter the elevator, which suddenly closes the moment I enter, which caught me surprise by the noise as I gasp and turn around, seeing the door getting close up.

The elevator starts moving up and that is the day

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The elevator starts moving up and that is the day... I question if I'm going to die or not...

A/N - I hope this is at least interesting since this is my very first mystery/thriller book.

In case you're wondering "Why first person instead of the usual third person narrative?" Well, considering this is meant to be a mystery genre, I decide to do it like those visual novel because I want your knowledge to be very limited to Sierra's to avoid giving away as well as heighten the dread because, if Sierra doesn't know what's going on, then you guys don't for example.

That's why. If you are also wondering if that green eye is a mistake: Nope! The green eye is intentional and that will be explained later on into the story. Considering there will be ten killers, meaning this book only has ten chapters, so pretty short to be honest, which is, for me, good cuz that means I can do other stories you guys wanted.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this book and if you do, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Remember, this book will be updated every Thursday, so look forward to it if you're interested. Aqua out!

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