Chapter 1: Chance Encounter

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"Wh-what's the right thing to do?"


"I wanna go home, but I don't want to desert them!"

"...Well, I should tell you something then."


"I... um... I really like the people here. Some of them are robots, sure, but they're all really unique, and they all want to be happy again, and... I think it's wrong to just leave them high and dry."

*sniff* "Meaning?"

"We should fulfill their hopes and dreams, even if they conflict ours. We should put it back, Niko. They'll all be happy that way."

A little bit of silence.

"I trust you... Daryl."

Everything went white. Suddenly, I was awake, my mind riddled with fragments of that dream. Who's Niko, and why do they know my name? And what was I telling him to put back? Ah, don't overthink it, you won't get your answers, I thought. Getting up, I realized how late it was, 9 AM to be exact.

"Shoot! We need to leave!" I got up quickly, brushing my teeth, changing my clothes, making a quick bowl of cereal and eating it just as quickly. My parents were waiting downstairs for about 20 minutes, and when I rushed down, they weren't too happy.

"Daryl, we told you to get up at 8:30 so you would have time to prepare."

"I know, mom, it won't happen again." I sighed.

"Well, let's go, son. The dentist is waiting."

I grabbed my travel bag, and we headed outside, where the car was waiting. My mom and dad took the front seats, and I took the back. As we drove towards the hospital where the dentist was, my mind started to wonder about that dream again. Niko... I played a game called OneShot, who's main character is also named Niko, but that's just a coincidence, right? Even if that's what the dream was about, I hardly played the game, and I don't remember anything like that happening in what I've played so far. Maybe I'll play it some more after we visit the dentist, I thought. The car came to a stop in front of a large building with a sign in front simply reading 'St. ________ Hospital'. We come here every month to adjust my braces, and today's the day, obviously. Walking up the flights of stairs to reach the 5th floor, my eyes moved around lazily, examining everything in sight. Nothing's changed, as usual. Upon reaching the 5th floor, I gave a brisk knock on the door, and my parents, after wishing me goodbye, started going back down the stairs.

"Call us on your phone when you're done, okay?"

"Got it mom!" The door opened immediately after my last statement.

"Oh! Hello, you're here for your braces, right?" I nodded.
"Well, come in then," she motioned for me to enter. I walked in, then she told me I would have to wait because someone was already being operated on.
"It'll take a few minutes, so take a seat." I sat down, and again my thoughts started flowing. What the hell was that dream about? Was it a sign? A premonition? I let it linger, then laughed it off right after. Why would it be a sign? Games aren't real, fool, that's why they're games. They don't happen... right? I decided I would take a walk to clear my head. Silently opening the door, walking out, and closing it behind me, I felt like I had just drank too much beer, even though I have never drank alcohol. I felt tipsy, and I couldn't think too well. I started to wander the building, looking around, and trying to set myself straight. While doing so, I found this hallway I hadn't explored yet. What better way to clear your mind than with a little adventure, I thought. I started down the hallway, not realizing the lack of light further down.

"It's really dark here, has this place been used at all?" I said to no one in particular. Walking further, the lack of people and doors worried me. I had walked so far down, I couldn't see where I came from if I tried. Nervous, I started walking back, stumbling a little because there was hardly any light. But it never got brighter, no matter how far I ran. Getting scared now, I ran even faster, desperate to get back. Then I saw a small light further down. I had found the exit, I thought. When I got close, I found the source of light was just a lone lightbulb hanging on a wire. I was disappointed, but also pretty scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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