if you're unsure of all these nights who never existed

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Winter'scity side, crystal bits of snowflakes
All around my head and inthe wind

And indeed it had been a white feverish afternoon as they steppedside by side.

There's some people, who allegedly, just happen to be multidimensional. You can't quite put your finger on what is that makes them this way, their imagination(?), their wits(?), allover capability(?). They just happen to need more and more aspects into their lives, cannot fathom and thus will not accept simplicity. They're functioning well beyond that and will not surmise without good reason. Generally distincted as charlatans, miracles, or just curiosities. There is a lack of explanation here, by default, after all. You cannot explain what you fail to understand. All we can hope for, is observation.

Which, apparently, is what drew her close to him. Forgetting the rather tight grip he held at her shoulders at least, and the most intensely surreal dance she'sever found herself into. Waltz. First time. Oh how poetic. Her head too drunken a haze to care much about petty technicalities such as what waltz is actually danced like. Just let her feet- and his hands- move her. Sure he was interesting enough. Or maybe it was that she saw parts of herself in him. Pretty sure she was failing to grasp the basics of circling around decently enough, so conversation it was. At least distract him from her incompetence. And that's where the actual rollercoaster really took a turn. And she started screaming as it got faster and faster on its trucks, in a place between ecstasy and utter despair. Most of all disbelief. How even could that been happening?

When you're big in Japan, tonight, big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan,ooh, the eastern sea's so blue

He was indeed a multidimensional being to his core. He did drift alot. And potentially that's why he put so much effort into every aspect of his being. Extreme but careful, thoughtful of his every move. On one of their first encounters she thought he looked like a panther. If you looked close enough it was more than obvious. It was clear he needed to be free of his limits, free of himself as he clung dearly to her later that night. His whole body in tremors and spasms. Nervous, unable to calm. He whispered a lot during that time being. Stuff she stupidly never thought she would hear, especially from sucha guy. He just didn't strike her as the kind.

Next time she saw him he was buzzling with energy, his body aligned with the melodies. Right into the centre of the dancefloor, evidently tipsy, laughing and chatting loudly around. Few chicks already in orbit. Too good a piece to waste. She wouldn't disagree. He could be quite charming indeed, in his humbly compact stance, tanned skin and charming smile. Not a single clue of worry in his posture, as if he'd never had a care in the world, ever. Light and sociable he swindled around a long list of fellows, she had to give him that, he knew how to have fun.

There murmurs on his back were quite a few. Liar. Asshole. Showoff.Rake. Coward. Vanished. She'd heard most of them, which made for ahalfway surprise when he himself looked her straight in the eye and mouthed "I know you're aware I haven't been the best of people.Yes, i've seen, done and been shit for a long while, I will understand if you'd want to have no connection with me whatsoever." it sounded stupid, almost offensive at the time, as if she hadn't had her fair share of sceletons in her own closet. With intensity she hoped matched with his, she eyed him back and simply burst intolaughter. The real kind of laughter, you see it was genuinely,amusingly surreal as hopeful. He had grown into something much bigger, open eyed and straightforward facing situations, no image ofthat boy, who used to fear so much. That was it.

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