Writing is the Best Medicine

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We stopped at BK, and as usual, I bought a large fry. I used to find it funny when employees went to the places they worked, but I got it then. Their group of friends became their co-workers. Therefore, they did not necessarily want to hang out with others because, in all honesty, they spent most of their time with the people they cooked, cleaned, laughed, and made money with.

Jonathan carefully brought his platter of food, which was piled high with chicken nuggets, three burgers, two orders  fries, and a 44 oz. coke. 

"How on earth can you eat that much." I scoffed.

"Just because you eat less than my dead cat, doesn't mean you can judge my eating habits." he laughed.

"Well," I looked down at my outfit, "I sure dress better than your dead cat." I said sarcastically. I was in such a rush in the morning, I forgot I was wearing my favorite black V neck and and a short gray and black skirt which reached my knees. I had a red hoodie over my shirt, which was the same color of my hair. I had on dark gray converse all-sparks and a black choker. I never remembered doing it, but my hair had been put into a braid at some point in the past few hours.

"My outfit took tons of time." He said showing off his sport shorts and a T- shirt that looked as if it had lain on his floor for days.

"Wow."I nodded my head and rolled my eyes.

"Mhmm." He mumbled through a bite of burger, which a bite in his mind, was half a burger. 

At the sound of the bell on the door, he turned his head, and for a moment, I got to admire his sharp jaw line and chiseled facial structure.

"Hey Ashley!" He called to someone behind me. My heart dropped. Ashley, as in, Ashley Danvers? She had pushed me down the stairs of my middle school giving me a concussion when I was 8. 

"Hey Jonathan. How are you?" she asked just catching sight of me.

All of a sudden became self-conscious of my hair and outfit. She had perfectly straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes under around.. maybe... 35 pounds of makeup? but of coarse, her make up was perfectly blended and she had eye liner wings large enough to make her fly away in the wind. 

"I'm doing great, just eating and sleeping, the usual." He chuckled, "and yourself?"

"I'm fine, just keeping up appearances, oh, hey Amy."

"Her name is actually Amber." Jonathan said completely unaware of our history.

"Hey Ash-tree." I snarled.

Jonathan looked at us both and raised his eyebrows. He pushed his food away and stood up, "I'ma use the restroom." he eyes us both with his piercing gaze and walked away.

"I see that you have had pity taken on you by Jonathan." she said, obviously annoyed by my previous comment.

"That was such a poorly constructed sentence, it makes me wonder how you even passed the high-school entrance exam." I retorted. 

"Well, I uh."

"You,Uhhhhh, what?" I scoffed, making fun of her speech hiccup. 

"You bastard."

"Me, a bastard? You have had so many face lifts, I am sure even if your parents were your real parents neither set would recognize you, that is, without your makeup." I picked up my purse and stormed out the door, my cheeks red as the Taylor Swift Album, Red. I felt the sweet heat of victory coursing through my veins. 

As I pulled out of the parking lot, Jonathan ran up to the car and smacked my window with his hand.

"What was that all about, Ashley had tears in her eyes, and when she saw me, she fled to the bathroom."

"Sorry, did I hurt your friends feelings." I snarled.

"Hey, that is not fair, don't attack me, I just wanted to know what was going on. "

I felt chastised and I felt hot tears well up in my eyes which spilled over onto my cheeks. The redness on my face and the redness of my wavy hair seemed to flare in my review mirror. And as with most emotional moments, my feelings of victory quickly turned to that of shame. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Its okay." he said, "I'm not even close with Ashley." His smiled seemed to be contagious and I smiled through the tears. 

"By the way, have you written a memory journal like I suggested?"

I froze I had completely forgotten. "Ill start it tonight, thanks."

And with that, I was off. 

Thanks for reading, like and comment and tell me what you think will happen.


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