I am ocean #PlanetOrPlastic

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Hi! My name is Ocean, millions of years ago I exist and I live between earth and air.

I compose myself of different bacteria and types of blood in all my being, I am special, I do not say it only me, millions of beings that live in my body say it, from the deepest to the surface of my being.

Throughout my life there have been different beings in me, bigger, very small beings, but all of them are important, because thanks to them I exist, They fill me with life and joy after every storm, every day of darkness and every evening, they give me the greatest of the world LIFE.

I felt happy, when I got sick after a storm, I felt that I had calmed millions of fish, whales, running through my body, jellyfish that tickled me and bacteria reminded me that I still work for something wonderful, that all live.

Since 2000 I am no longer the same and I'm dying little by little, some species that lived on land and I believed they were my friends betrayed me, I taught them what life is and how wonderful it is for me, instead ,piecemeal they took it secretly, they ate my body and mistreated it.

Those of the earth not conforming to kill me eating my body, they poison me day by day, they throw their waste in my body and kill me second by second, there is little left of me and although I get angry and show my anger, they ignore me and continue to harm me.

I am tired and my body is tired, my eyes, my hands and my legs have already eaten, when they eat my heart there will be no more of me, I will only be an empty and dirty body without life.

The plastic that you throw at me is poison for my body, little by little I'm dying, the part where I felt a tingling, I no longer feel them, now I feel wounds that cut me and hurt me, the part where hands feel that touch the sky because the whales help me to reach it, now little by little I stop touching it, my hands are dying.

I give you one last chance friend, let my body live, do not pollute my blood, I die of pain and the incredible thing is that you do not realize that without me you will not last long. Open your eyes! I do not have them because you have eaten them, but I know because my mind and my heart are still giving their last breath.

I'm Ocean and i hate plasticWhere stories live. Discover now