o n e: Give yourself a chance

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My name is Rebekah Forbes. I am the typical girl at school. Good grades athlete, many friends, and most important, happily single. Some guys like me sometimes they don't , but the thing that never changes is I've never bothered trying with any guy at Jackson high school. Not since about two years ago long story short- the end came to fast.
         Anyways today is Monday, new day, new week. So what better time to be better than yesterday? I smile and slam my locker shut. When Bonnie,my best friend, comes almost running into me. "Have you seen the new guy?" she fans her face exaggeratedly. I laugh. "Not really, no." she looks disappointed .
         "he's so hot. And..." her voice goes slowly to a whisper. "i heard he likes your type." I nod no. "Bonnie, how many times do i have to tell you? I don't want a boyfriend?" i sigh hugging my books tightly, starting the long walk towards first period.
         "Its been a long time. Give yourself a chance." she. "I enjoy being single." i smile enthusiastically. Idon't have to text with text that give me diabetes with its sweetness." i put a finger up. "i dont have to out up to dates." i put another one. "and" i say louder." i can spend way more time with you and the girls." i smile knowing I've won the battle. "You're missing the whole point." she complains. I smile opening the door just as the bell rings. Perfect, that'll shut her up.
         "My name is Mr. Trejo. For all new students. I don't want to be called Trejo, nor Sir. Call me Mr. Trejo and only that." he starts talking about his life. And why he chose to be a chemistry teacher. At the end of the long story he hits the chalk board loudly with the end of the meter stick, waking up half of the students including bonnie.
         "Don't get too comfortable." he takes out a paper and shows it to the class. "Assigned seats." he yells crankily. Damn so many years in the military did him bad. Yes i was one if the few listening.
         Hopefully i sit in the back. Best with Bonnie if not anyone else is fine. "Bonnie, Mariah." he points to the two seats directly infront of his desk. "not getting you out of my watch this year." Bonnie Mariah? Not a good combination my snapchat newsfeed is going to be full of rest in peace... Either Bonnie or Mariah. Most likely Mariah, Bonnie can be very... Tough.
         "Claire and katherine." right next to them. Bad as well. Theyll never shut up. Bonnie turns around her eyes focused on one person and her eyes go wide. I follow her eyes to see what causwd the whole comotion. New guy. Of course. Two rows later he then calls my name.
         "Bexs. One of my-scratch that out-my favorite student." i smile at him "thanks." i sit down everyone turns around surprised this cranky man had favorites ,but nobidy truly cared to listen when the phoenix song stops, when only the sad remaining silence remains, when the truthful story lays open, for anyone.
         "Dylan." he continues. 5-9 height. Good body, brown eyes, dark brown hair, full bushy clean eyebrows. Nice guy with not alor of friends. "Hi." i whisper. When he finally sits down. " sup bex" he says casually. " man i cant remember last time i talked to you." i smile. "eith grade.  You asked me for a pencil." he laughs. "Really?" i ask laughing. "Might be wrong but thats the last i remember." he says. "this year we will make up, for the past two years." i look at him and we smile at each other.
         "Okay now that you are all on your assinged seats. Lets begin. This first unit is going to be all about atoms." he begins talking endlessly about atoms. I feel a tap on my shoulder making me turn around annoyed.  I couldnt even turn around completley to look at the face when he or she hands me a little folded paper. "for who?" i whisper annoyed. Couldnt they give it to dylan?
          "You." A male voice whispers back.  I open it under the desk. "
                  pass me your number :)

It reads. I turn and look at the guy behind me. Gabriel "No." i whisper. He chuckles. "I didnt send that." he points two desk left him. "New guy over there." i laugh. "Can you tell him i said no? Please." he smiles back. "i gotcha girl." ive always loved his sassyness "thanks"
           I put it on the desk fir two seconds then my anxiety kicks in. I get it and rip it into tiny little pieces. I bite my lip. Start tapping the floor impatiently with my left foot. Clench my hand to a tight fist then unclench.  Which was never normal unless i was mad. And i wasnt quite mad.
           You okay?
  Dylan writes on the edge of his paper
            Not really, but thanks.
  I write back on mine.

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