Watch out World!~Prologue

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Picture of Abigail on the side ------------->

I'm stuck in a pit of darkness. Ashton Gray and his posse move closer and closer to me chanting names and things that I've been trying to forget but never did. Things like ugly bitch, you little slut, look the whore came back for more and plenty worse. Then thump, thump, thump.

I was awoken from my dream, startled I looked at the wrinkle bag sitting right next to me. I looked around at my surroundings and found that I was on the plane, I was safe from that monster. I un-clasped my seat belt and excused my self to the old lady that kindly (but rudely) woke me up from the horrid dream I was having. I walked down the narrow aisle to the small ports-potty like airplane bathroom. I splashed water on my cheeks. And re-applied my makeup.

No this will not happen again! I said to myself, I will not let myself go back down that shitty path I went down the last time. I am a human being, I don't deserve to be treated like shit. I will make Ashton Gray be sorry that he EVER messed with me. I spent two summers at fat camp, working out, my curves filled in, from all the hours in the baking sun I gained some natural highlights. This is going to be the best senior year ever.

I walked out that airplane bathroom with a smirk on my face, because now I was a whole new person, and it was time for revenge. I sat down in my seat (in between Lady Wrinkle bag and Mr. Lardo) and dreamed up ideas for vengeance.


I walked out to the pick up section of the airport standing on the tips of my toes to see if I could find my best friend Kale in the huge crowd. Soon I spotted him talking to another boy. I ran up to him and hugged him with all my might.

"I missed you so much" he whispered into my ear.

"I missed you more, Kaley Boo," I whispered back.

"Okay, okay, okay. The whole world gets that you two missed each other but can't you seduce each other from the comfort of your own home? I think I speak for everyone when I say that it's pretty disgusting," a husky voice complains from behind me.

I turn around to find a familiar shaggy haired teenaged boy, he was wearing a beanie, a Hollister shirt that clung to his perfectly chiseled chest, and then he wore low hung jeans and red converses. When I looked up at his face I saw the same face that tortured me for years and years.

"You," I hissed after I was done checking him out, "What the hell are you doing here?"

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the super short chapter but I just felt like if it was any longer you guys would be missing her declaration and the cliff hanger. Can you guys guess who the mystery dude is? Anyways I kinda know where I'm going with this story, and there's going to be something shocking revealed in the next chapter, this wasn't really of a beginning more of a prologue where Abby promises to herself that she is going to be someone different than the selfless girl she was two years ago. Anywho Ciao, ciao.

P.P.S Since I'm doing these chapters straight from my iPad they are going to be short, so I'll try to make them longer. And maybe sometimes I'll upload two in a day, cuz writings easy and fun to me. :D

Okay, Ciao for real now.

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