Figuring it out

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Thoughts are bold
Welcome to my story. Enjoy.


I held Keith in my arms, his gental breathing the only thing that could be heard in the room. He was fast asleep on our bed, his small body tucked into mine.

I knew Lance was mad that i have Keith even though he wanted him, too. But i knew that Lance didnt know how to treat a man or woman so i was against Lance having him.

I kissed his head and rubbed his pregnant belly as i felt my eyelids grow heavy and my body ached for sleep but i knew that sleep could catch me off guard and Lance could hurt Keith in some way. Besides, Keith has frequent nightmares and if im asleep, i cant help him.

I heard gentle taping of feet smacking against the floor boards outiside me and Keiths room. I suspected Lance so i pretended to be asleep as I pulled Keith in tighter and closer, my hands covering most of his stomach. The door slid open and i cracked my eyes open to see Lance standing in the doorway, a dagger in his hand. I immediately gave up my sleeping act and leaped out of bed.

I stood in a fighting position in front of him as he charged for me, screaming. I activated my arm and used it to block the attack. There was a sudden rustling coming from the bed and i looked over to see Keith, hands protecting his belly as he had tears crawling down his face.

"Dont hurt him, Lance.. Please... I dont want my baby growing up without a father." Keith whispered. Lance lifted his dagger off from me and i quickly knocked it out of his hands. He turned and left the room without another word.

"Are you okay!? Is the baby okay?!" I ran over and gathered Keith in my arms, making sure he was okay before i made sure that i was okay.

"Im fine Shiro. Its you we should be worried about." He spoke gently. I smiled at placed my hands on his baby bump. "Are you ready to get to hold her, babe?" Keith smiled. I nodded.

"Of course im ready! I want to hold them so bad that it kills me inside to not have a baby in my arms. But i have you untill i get one." I smiled lovingly at him. He placed his head on my chest and had his legs warpped around my waist. I hugged him gently as to not hurt the baby and lied down. Unsuprisingly, Keith slid off and onto my side, his hands protecting his stomach as we both fell asleep in each others arms.

3 months earlier

"GET THEM OUT OF HERE!!" I screamed at Hunk, who was currently trying to push Shiro and Lance out of the armory room. I was hiding Keiths red face in my shoulder as his heat sent of horny pheromones. Lance and Shiro might do something they will regret if they stay in the room, the smell was intoxicicating for them but not for us Betas. Keith being the only Omega made him a gold mine.

"You need to leave!" Hunk shouts at the two Alphas. Shiro was reaching out for Keith but the look in his eyes was not one of lust, but one of care. He was worried about Keith and wanted to protect him.

Now Lance on the other hand, had a look of lust and desire and he was trying to shove past Hunk to get to Keith.

"It h-hurts.. A-Alpha! S-Shiro! Ah!!" Keith cried. He wanted an Alpha. But not any Alpha. He wanted and needed Shiro. He ached for him. Then, he reached out for him. He got off the table he was on and pushed his way towards him.


Alpha! Must have Alpha! Shiro! Alpha! Please!

I felt someone try and pull me back but i knocked them away and went for Shiro. For Alpha. I suddenly fell to the ground, the heat was to much. My ears were ringing and i could barely make out whos faces were whos. I faintly saw Shiro above me yet to the side. I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my level. I then pushed my lips against his. The kiss was soft and tender. He was then shoved away and i was pulled into somebodys arms. I thrashed to get out, knowing the werent Shiro. I reached for him, screaming for him. The ringing in my ears was much more quite now and i could hear voices clearer and my eye sight was clear again as i shoved myself out of whoevers grasp and lunged for Shiro, who caught me and pulled me close. In inhaled his sweet yet musky scent and rubbed my face into his neck. His smell was intoxicating.

"I wont do anything unless he asks me to. Im not impulsive like that." I heard him speak. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. He then turned around and headed towards his room. I looked up and noticed Lance who looked furious at Shiro as he took me away. I shook my head at him and dug my face back into his neck, inhaling his scent once again.

We made it to Shiros room and we locked the door behind us. Shiro lied me on the bed and under the covers but i immediatly kicked them off. He laughed a bit as he pulled me into his arms, rubbing his face into my neck. I felt him slowly start to fall asleep untill he was finally down. I turned around, kissing his forhead gently as i started to drift off to a light sleep, still aching for Shiro but not wanting to disturb him.

And that is chapter one of my new story. im just tired and want to go to sleep. Theres also over 1000 words soooo.

See yall next time



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