Chapter 24: Group Meeting

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"This' gotta be it," Ash said as they walked up the dirt road that'd led them the same way that Jacoby and Remington had gone minutes before. "It's the only one it can be."

The other two had disappeared rather quickly and they'd had to find their own way to the manor at the back of the Outpost. It made sense to Chris as to why they'd decided on here to hold their meeting or whatever it was that they were calling it.

The manor was impressive; it was definitely worth being called a manor.

It was easily one of the biggest buildings within the Outpost that Chris had seen, besides the church which was probably the largest building in the entire area. Like the majority of the houses and buildings, the manor had bits of wood making up its structure. A lot of it though was made of stone, the wooden pieces looking like they'd been patch jobs, fixing the structure up to make it complete again.

By the looks of it, this manor had been here the entire time.

Ash indicated to the scan-pad next to the front door, Chris and Alex both looking at it, seeing as they'd all come to a stop at the door.

"Limited access apparently," Ash commented, getting her ID out of her pocket.

She scanned herself in, the door clicking open. She held the door for the other two, both of them going inside with her in tow. It didn't surprise Chris that this building was one that they needed to scan themselves into; most of the places they needed to access were like that, mostly to stop the civilians and any uninvited guests.

Ash made sure that the door was closed before she joined the other two in looking around the grand, dimly lit front room. It was a lot like the mansion back where they'd stayed with Danny and his crew, though it was a lot neater and nowhere near as neglected as that one had been.

"Where do we go?" Alex asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as it was rather quiet within the manor; it was making him uncomfortable.

Ash gave a bit of a shrug, not sure where they were meant to go from here. Chris looked around, a bit of a frown on his face as he listened for a few seconds, hearing voices further in the manor. Without a word, he headed the right way, going to his left and past the other two who exchanged looks before following, not wanting to be left there by themselves.

They walked through the manor, the voices getting louder the further in they went with Chris in the lead. Sure enough, one of the rooms was brightly lit, the voices coming from there, the door ajar. Chris cautiously pushed the door open, looking in and seeing Remington and Jacoby seated at the long table; it was the dining room.

"You made it! Thought we'd lost you!" Remington exclaimed with a smile as he saw them over at the door, Jacoby looking around and seeing them. Remington gestured to all the vacant seats. "C'mon in; pull up a chair."

He smiled at them again. He was sitting up the complete opposite end of the table, sitting at the head of the table with Jacoby down the opposite end to him. Chris pushed the door open a bit more and forwarded in, Alex keeping very close to Ash the entire time as they also came into the room.

"Doesn't matter where you sit; just as long as you're here to hear everything," Jacoby said as down the other end of the long table, Remington picked up what appeared to be a half-empty glass.

Chris gave a bit of a nod, deciding on where to sit as Alex automatically took the seat closest to Jacoby, preferring to be down the opposite end to the vampire who by now, had his feet up on the table, mindlessly studying whatever was in the half-empty glass.

The Blood Legion (#4 to 'Motionless in Wonderland')Where stories live. Discover now