Romeo and Juliet

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When I sit down then Mr.Mason brought out the tv and put in the famous love story by Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. As the movie was playing see Edward pass me a note I open it
Bella I am so sorry we left I didn't mean a thing I said when we left I just thought I was protecting you but obviously I wasn't. What happen to your cheek??? And your head???

Edward I completely understand I will forgive y'all but I will not be able to trust you so easily. And for the bruises I was bucking and hit a trunk and fell hard and cut my face up some it is healing and will leave a few scares.

Next thing you know Mr.Mason came up to our desk and said "Bella can you tell me what Romeo and Juliet just did" he said  I took out my pen and pencil " ah ah ah use your words don't write it down speak out loud" I wrote down "sir I can't I am mute" he said " if you do not have a medical note saying you are unable to speak then you shall speak or I will have to give you detention and I will ha e to call your father" Edward steps in " sir it could just be that her throat hurts and when she talks it makes it even worse" Edward said " well if you are willing to speak for her how about you tell me what just happened" Mr Mason says  "Oh, here will I set up my everlasting rest, and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And, lips, Oh you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death."Edward said repeating the word that had just been said in the tv " pay attention to the board class" mr Mason said and then started the movie back up.


When I get home I see dad waiting for me at the porch which only means one thing " Bella you decided to grace me with your present please do come inside" once we got inside "why am I getting a call from school saying that you weren't paying attention in class and that you were passing notes" he takes his belt off and starts to strike me with it " If you do that again you are going to wish you hadn't" next thing I know he slaps me and makes a cut go across my cheek.

Sunday 4:32am December 30 445 words

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