Kiss Me. An Ed Sheeran Fan Fiction.

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I love cats; they are cute, cuddly, small, furry, and your best friend. My cat's name is Louis, no not like Lewy, but Lewis. He's an orange and white striped cat, and he's kind of chubby, but all in all I love him. He's my only family, only friend. I ran away from my house at sixteen, my parents didn't love me so I went to live with my brother, who sent me to my uncle’s he said he wouldn't tell my parents I was with him.

But what I didn't know was this, my uncle was a pimp. He told me I was working for him, at sixteen I was very scared, I still am. But that was four years ago, I'm twenty now and I escaped from him. I'm now living in a shabby apartment right outside of London.

I know he's given up on looking for me, but for a long time I was scared to go anywhere, especially at night. It all happened on a cold night in February.

I looked to my left as a car started slowing down; I was in a short skirt and a tight tank top, high heels, and lots of makeup. The man in the car pulled over and rolled down his window, motioning for me to walk up to him.

"How much?" He stated looking up and down my body, lust in his dark eyes, I flinched, I didn't want to do this, but I had too.

"One hundred pounds." I stated coldly.

"Isn't that a bit much?" He question unlocking his doors.

"If you want everything for a whole night, than no, it's not." I leaned into the window, my shirt hanging low, revealing lots of cleavage.

"Okay, get in." He smirked, that always worked, I hopped in and he drove away.

We arrived at a large house, he must have some money. I followed him in, taking my heels off at the door I walked with him to the bedroom, kissing down his neck.

"Here." He smiled slipping the money in my bra, I froze but resumed, I hated this.

I woke up facing the mystery man, his eyes closed with sleep, I looked over at the clock. It was nearly four in the morning, I must've been rather tired. I sat up in the bed and put my clothes back on, feeling sick I ran to the bathroom, puking out nothing, I haven't been eating for a few days, I didn't have enough money because my uncle took it all. I stood up, my stomach settling, and walked back into the bedroom, the man was sitting up and looking at me.

"You have to leave now, don't you?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah, I have to go back..." I cut myself off, not wanting to finish it.

"How old are you darling?" Why was he asking me all these questions? Most of the time the guy would just tell me to leave, or ignore me until I did.

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