I hate you,
So much.
Who am I kidding?
I love you,
More than words,
More than the ridiculously cute smile you always wear.
Or the stupid jokes you tell that shouldn't even be funny.
Or the way your eyes sparkle when you're talking about something you love.
I hate what you do to me
I hate how guilty I feel
For loving a perfect angel like you.
Didn't anyone ever say you couldn't fall in love with perfection?
Why did no one warn me of you?
But of course,
There were signs
The way I couldn't seem to get you off my mind.
Always lurking,
Your presence
It's always here.
Even miles away,
It never leaves.
You scare me
You truly do.
I've never loved someone this much,
This is way beyond a crush
Stop it.
Why can I not stop thinking of you?