The First Day

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"Yo! Mayd let me see your schedule" I pull it out, as well as my conversation book. 'Mayd?' I question, "it's a nickname princess" I nod, slightly annoyed, and he chuckles.

I hand him the schedule and he looks at it suspiciosly "6 for 8" he states out of the blue, 'huh?' I write and hand it to him, " I'm in 6 classes with you, and there are 8 periods" I nod understandingly, and he says 'well, we're a bit early but we should head over to homeroom anyway" i gesture for him to lead the way, and we start walking.

"so Mayda, what do you do for fun?" now this will probably sound weird, but I love thinking! I could sit on my swing and think for hours and hours on end. 'thinking' he looks confused so I elaborated, 'I love to sit somewhere, like, a tree or a swing, and just think, think about life, fiction, death, anything really' he just smiles, "that's adorable for some reason or maybe it's just thinking of you that makess my brain think of adorable" I roll my eyes and playfully slap his shoulder, he fakes a look of offence and says "I thought you loved me!" sarcasticly of course, then sates,

"here we are" as he opens a door to a lively and open class room "Ms.Park! Ms.Park!" Liam (who still looks like a Dillon to me) screams

"Ms.Park we have a new student!" a sweet looking young woman comes over and looks at Liam and I expectantly, "what is with this place, no one even knows they're getting a mute student!" he exclaims, but not loud enough for anyone else in the room to hear. She looks upset, so I just zone out while they bicker.

"well Mayd, looks like we are best freinds now doesn't it" look at him confused and wrote;'is that sarcasm! because I don't need you coming around telling people I can't talk and all that jazz'.

He reads it, but it takes longer than expected, like, 12 seconds or so. He just chuckles, shakes his head, and smiles, "not what I meant Mayda, I was talking about the fact that I'm a complete loser, the girls in this school are very 'cliquey' and the boys aren't very open to new people, at all. So since I'm showing you around, and I like you, I think we would make great best freinds"

I must be blusshing so much right now, now boy outside my family has ever complimented me, they all think I'm strange, ugly, stupid, all those nasty words, so this was a nice change.

'I would be honnored to be your Best Friend, Liam (who looks more like a Dillon) whatever your last name is' he stares at me with a look of, awe? Was it? "you are amazing Mayda L.Jemson' well, I'm utterly confused, no one has ever said I was amazing, but I'm mostly confused because he knew my name. "it was on the schedule" he says answering my un-asked question, I nod and class begins.


"So Mayda Leigh, where should we sit?" Liam says, he's been guessing my middle name all day, this time he was right, but I wasn't going to tell him that. 'How about by the exit so we can make a quik escape from reality if needed' he nods and we walk over.

"why aren't you eating?" Liam asks, ' I'll eat at home' is my short responce before changing the subject with 'where are your friends, you should go talk to them' he looks straight into my eyes and says, "I don't have any Mayda Leigh, your my one and only friend, none of the teachers like me either."

Me being me took in all of this, but responded with 'why didn't you change the middle name? All your other guesses were a one time thing' Liam looks at me, and starts laughing-not a little chucckle either- he was laughing his head off, and causing a huge scene, but I couln't tell him to calm down because he would have to be calm enough to read it, and it just wouldn't work, the whole thing was just a big mess, and people were starring, glaring, pointing, screaming and quite a few were laughing, but EVERYBODY noticed and I got really scared and my eyes started filling with tears.

Liam, who never really zoned out, snapped right back to reality the moment the first tear fell. "Mayda, Mayda, Mayda stop crying, stop crying Maydi please!" he begged me i looked down, but my hand on my notebook and wrote 'make them stop starring' so Liam being his ever-so-confident self, stood on his chair, (he would have whistled but the whole place was already watching him) and announced

"If you would all just go back to your boring old lunches, and useless girl gossip, that be great, my friend and I would like some privacy, so why don't you go and get a life instead of starring at some kids who were just having a grand old time until some annoying school-children ruined it for them, thank you". He sits down and I look at kim like he's an escaped lunatic, and show him what I wrote down during his 'performance', 'Liam!., what do you think your doing!? That could have gone really bad, really fast, are you crazy!?' he smirks and says "why, yes I am, and now you see why I have no friends."

Truthfully I didn't but that didn't matter, I really wouldn't want to share him with anyone else, he's my best freind, MINE I TELL YOU MINE!! the bell sounded, signaling us that we had to get to class, these last two perids I don't have with Liam, so I'll have to power through them myself.


I am standing outside the school, more confused than ever, I know I'm suppose to get on the bus, but I have no clue where it is.

"Oh Mayda Leigh" I hear Liam's voice behind me, "oh there you are I missed you Maydi, hey, do you have a phone?" he asks, 'yeah, you want my number?' I respond cunfused, "yep!" I wrote it down and tore it out, he slid it in his, poket and said "come on! we don't want to miss the buss!"

The bus ride home was uneventfull I was the third one off and apparently Liam is the fourth. I sat down on the swing my brother must of put up while I was at school, place my phone next to the tree and wait for a text.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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