Little Stars. (Harry Styles)

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"I just don't get it," Vanessa cried, rocking Elyse in her arms. I sat at the edge of the bed holding Alisson, "she won't eat, she'll barely sleep. She cries constantly. I don't know what you want me to do Harry, i'm going to have a fucking break down." 

"Not around the girls, Ness." I said, earning a glare from her. "You take her then, and you feed her, and you get her to sleep since you know so damn much." She flipped, standing up abruptly placing Elyse in my arms as well. I looked at her, "what is wrong with you?" I hissed, adjusting the twins in my arms. "I can't feed Ali and hold Elyse at the same time." 

"Well learn to manage." She said making her way to the other side of the bed checking her phone. I leaned down setting Elyse in the bouncer and looked back at Vanessa who was throwing on one of my old jumpers and pulling her black wavy hair in a high pony tail. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, watching her grab her phone. 

"Learn to take care of your kids is all i'm saying. Both of them. At the same time.." She hissed with little emotion in her words. She stood up and walked over towards Ali and scooped her up kissing her forehead. "I need to go make a phone call," she mumbled setting her back down. I watched her eyes get wide and teary as she set her down, with the slam of the front door the entire house fell silent.

I yawned loudly and stood up changed Ali's diaper and setting her down in her crib doing the same for Elyse shutting the light off and closing the door behind me and tip-toed down the steps peeking out the window seeing her on the phone wiping her eyes. I frowned and made my way back upstairs and got into bed shutting the light off and pulling my duvet around me. 

A little while later I fluttered my eyes open seeing Vanessa climbing into bed next to me, she snuggled in close to me and I wrapped my arms around her tiny body planting a kiss on her lips wiping some tears from under her eyes. "Everything's going to be alright Ness," I whispered. She reached her hand up cupping the side of my face kissing me again. "I know it will Harry, you're a great dad. And I love you."

"I love you too, Ness." I whispered before falling into a deep sleep. I woke up once to Vanessa slowly getting out of bed reaching over kissing my cheek and scurrying out of the room and I feel right back asleep. The second time I woke up I was alone, I stretched out my arms hoping to feel her body but instead I touched nothing besides a cold sheet and a piece of paper. 

I picked up the paper and noticed a long message. Something gave me the feeling it wasn't the usual 'off the the store. Be home soon' message. My eyes scanned over the paper briefly before I rubbed them a few times looking over it again.


I am so sorry I had to do this, but I just couldn't take it anymore.. 

I love you and the girls so much.. But I had to leave. 

Please take good care of them.. I wasn't lying when I said you were a great father. 

Or that I loved you. 

Please keep them safe.. I know you will. 

Make sure you tell the girls I love them.. 

I love you Harry.. Much love xx 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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