Chapter 15

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Bella's POV

I step into the hospital and feel like I'm going to throw up, I'm just so nervous.

Earlier, I told Mom and Dad and they aren't happy about this but are allowing it of course. My other sisters after hearing my explanation have thankfully forgiven me.

I look outside and see Christina waiting in the car. She offered to drive us to my mom's place.

I find my feet and steer them upstairs where I ask for Dr. Benton. He comes out and explains that I'll need to make sure she eats, sleeps and may have to help her with tasks because her one arm is in a cast. I say okay and then he tells me what room she's in.

I take a really deep breath and then walk in. She stares at me and I stare back.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," she returns.

"Need help getting dressed or not?"

"I don't think so..." she says and so I sit down while she dresses. Then a nurse gets her in a wheelchair and I sign the discharge papers. This is going to be a long few days.

"My sister Christina is here to drive us so be nice," I tell her. When I say the word sister I see she flinches. Not my problem.

We get to the car and I help her in the back seat. I then get into the front passenger. Christina gives me a reassuring glance and I thank her with my eyes. She nods.

"Mom, this is Christina, you two kinda met before," I say and they both nod. Christina drives and we sit in silence.

She parks in front of my mom's house and I help my mom out and into the house. Christina follows with my suitcase.

I stare at this house. I only lived in it a few days but that was more than enough in my opinion.

"Your bed and room is still as it was, you can take your stuff up there," my mom says. I grab my suitcase and head upstairs. Christina follows.

Wow. My room looks like I never even left. I sigh and set my suitcase down.

"I don't know how I'll be able to sleep in here," I tell Christina.

"Want me to stay?"

"Not tonight... but maybe tomorrow night?" I ask.

"Of course babygirl. Whenever you need me, you call or text me and I'll be here. Same goes with everyone else."

"Thanks," I say and hug her.

"Are you gonna be okay?" she asks.

"I guess I'm gonna have to be." She nods and squeezes my shoulder. Then we both get up and she leaves.

I go and find my mom who is sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Christina seems nice," she observes.

"She's amazing. All my siblings are," I say.

"You really feel like they're your family, don't you?" she asks. I hear jealousy in her voice.

"They ARE my family. Blood doesn't make a family, love does." I see my mom look down. Then she meets my gaze.

"Tell me about them then," she says and I question if it's a good idea. Whatever, might as well tell her.

"Well Mom and Dad are really nice and caring. Then there's the boys. Mike is 25 and is fun to hang with. Alex is 17 and is super funny and chill. Christian is 12, Nick is 10, and Joey's 9 and the three of them are typical boys, full of energy and always able to make us all laugh," I say. My mom nods.

I smile. "Then there's my sisters. Christina's the oldest, she's 24. I'm super close to her, we're a lot alike: Strong, independent, like being a leader. Then Katherine who's 22, she's really calm and motherly and loves to write just like I do. Lisa's 20 and has an amazing fashion sense and gives amazing advice. Amy is 19 and is super happy, bubbly and funny. Lauren is 16, and is quiet around most people but not with us. She's kinda like me in that way. She's super nice and can be sarcastic at times. Dani's 14 and by far the most hyper. She's also super fun to be around."

My mom takes all that in. "They seem like a great family." I nod smiling.

"Want me to make dinner?" I ask after sitting there for a while.

"Sure, thanks," she says smiling. I walk to the kitchen and see what there is. I decide on making pasta. It's so weird cooking and having no one to help. Plus it's so quiet.

I sigh. "What's the sighing for?" I hear my mom ask. Guess she snuck up behind me.

"It's just so quiet, I'm not used to it. At home there's always someone talking," I say. She flinches when I say the word home. I can see it hurts her but it is what it is. I'm not gonna lie to her to make her happy.

We eat dinner in awkward silence and I clean up after. She goes upstairs and I make sure she doesn't get her cast wet in the shower.

At around 11 she heads to bed and I head to my old room. It feels so strange being in here. It's even weirder being alone. I find my phone and text Christina.

Me: Hey Chrissy, you still up?

Christina: Yeah I am, how are you?

Me: Alright. It's been awkward and now it's just oddly silent.

Christina: I can't even imagine what silence sounds like lol large family problems

Me: Yeah haha. I don't even know how I used to stand this!

Christina: Idk either girl

Me: Have I missed anything at home?

Christina: Nope not really. Just Dani's usual antics haha

Me: I won't even ask

Christina: Probably best that way. You in bed?

Me: Kinda. I'm idk... scared to fall asleep here

Christina: Please try to sleep Bella, you'll be okay I promise. And I'll be there tomorrow night(:

Me: I will try and thanks! I'll let you sleep now. Goodnight Chrissy

Christina: Goodnight Belle

I put my phone down and get into my pajamas. I lay down in the bed and can't get comfy. I grab my phone and stay on it for a while.

At 4 am I realize the time and start to panic. I need sleep. How am I supposed to function without sleep?! I'm already stressed enough.

I go onto pictures on my phone and pull up one of my sisters and I. I hug my phone and slowly, I fall asleep.

I'm woken up by my alarm at 8 am. I hit it and pull the blanket over my head. This is going to be a long day.

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