Chapter 59: Horrific Liar.

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Richelle's Pov

Finding our way out of the woods, Noah and I were silent. I didn't know what to say to him which was a first. There are mind fields of topics of conversation but I just feel too guilty for not telling him the truth about those guys. I know that I should, but what would that do? I guess I would have to fess up eventually since he would notice that I didn't have a phone anymore...

The pain my knee was in was indescribable. There is no way I can dance on this. It is taking my every effort not to limp my way out of these god damn woods. Guilt is overwhelming me, how would I feel if Noah didn't tell me if something like that happened to him? great...

Noah's Pov

This silence between us is deafening. I get the feeling that there is something she's not telling me. I don't want to push her but if something is wrong, I need to know what it is so I can protect her from it.

I turn around to open my mouth but I see her struggling. "Richelle are you in pain?" I ask.

"No I'm fine. I uh-uh.. just twisted my ankle while running" she stutters. yeah, there is no way I am buying that.

"Goldy Locks you are a horrific liar" I say raising my eyebrows. She stands up straight, places her hand on her hips in defeat and blushes.

"I am not a horrific liar, you just know me a little too well" she says fed up.


She sighs, giving up. We decide to sit down on a nearby broken tree branch, just inches above the damp ground. "Richelle, I know that there is something you're keeping from me..." If I am honest, it hurts that she feels like she cannot tell me. We usually tell each other everything and would trust each other with our lives but... why couldn't she tell me? All I ever want to be is there for her, my Richelle, my innocent, beautiful, broken Richelle. "What is it? Why cant you just be honest with me?" I ask, my voice cracking.

She looks saddened by my words, her eyes glistening. "I'm sorry Noah, I just... I am sick of you having reasons to pity me. I am definitely sick of having more and more things that break me down, time and time again!" she yells, water now coating her reddened cheeks.

"woah woah woah baby what happened? You know you can tell me, right?" I say holding either side of her face in my cold hands. She nods and takes a deep breath, collecting herself.

"Of course I know that I can tell you Noah. I trust you with everything! its just..." she says standing up and limping around in a circle. "All this time that we have known each other there has just been a collection of shitty events that are like a punch in the stomach or a dagger to the heart. And every single time something like that happens, you are always there, without a doubt. Don't get me wrong.." she says now kneeling in front of me. "I love you so much for doing that and I wouldn't have it any other way but... a part of me always feels like I am holding you back with my problems" she cries.

"Baby don't talk like that" I croak out.

"its true! isn't it? Imagine what your life would be like right now if we had never met! you would not be dealing with all of this shit and I feel like it is selfish of me to ask you to do that because I love you!" she sobs.

I cant believe what I am hearing.

"Maybe I should just leave, I love you too much to put you through any of this shit" she breathes, pacing around.

"THAT IS IT! Enough Richelle! Don't ever talk that way again okay? You know how I feel about you. If you felt for me the way that I do for you... you would know that I couldn't live without you".

I watch her face soften as I speak, her eyes dripping salty tears every time her beautiful eyes blinked. She looks torn up, a sight I never want to see her in again.

"Look baby I know that bad shit happens to you all of the god damn time but... you know what? Its not you, its them. You are nothing but selfless, kind, smart, angelically beautiful and the list goes on. I don't know why all of these terrible people hurt you so much, and perhaps I never will. But don't you ever ever ever talk about leaving again. I wouldn't be able to breathe, function, live if I did'n-" I get half way through the sentence when I realise that she had crushed her lips onto mine passionately.

This is a moment that I never want to end. I throw my arms around her and deepen the kiss. She begins to tug on my hair and place her delicate hands on my chest. We have never had a moment like this before. "I'm sorry Noah" she breathes in between fiery kisses. "I am never leaving" she says looking in my eyes like she was in a trance "ever" her soft lips whisper before continuing the kiss. Elation overwhelms me as she speaks these words. My hands wander down to her thighs which signals her to jump into my arms. Little moans of pleasure escape her lips between breaths. I walk forward until her back is against the long, hard trunk decorated viciously with leaves of all colours. Her small hands begin to remove my shirt while I kiss her neck.

I think you can guess what happened next.

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