The beginning part two

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 "It's your fault Lyra died, you should have been the one too, you're just a freak, a weird, gross, freak that had killed your very own sister"

 I felt my eyes start steaming with tears as he grinned, his grin was so big it was as if it was coming across both of his ears. I knew he had wanted me to cry, run away. But that wasn't it, I was fed up with everything, I ran up to my room as fast as I could, hand twitching. I opened the door and slammed it creating a loud bang, that almost knocked a flower vase off of a small coffee table in the hallway. I went to the small nightstand and grabbed both hatchets that I stole from the garage. I had put one in my belt and the other one I held tightly in my cold sweaty palms. The one I was holding had a small hole in the steel of its inner blade and on the end of the piece of wood that you would hold it by had a yellow belt attached to it. My legs had felt shakey the whole time, his words rang in my head over and over. I slowly opened the door and walked downstairs. His eyes locked with mine in almost the instant, there was a hint of fear spreading in his eyes as he slowly put his hands out and backed away. I gripped the handle tighter and walked closer until my hands started to tremble. 

"Stop blaming everything on me, don't you think I know it's all my fault?! everything is my fault why can't you get over that?! WHY NOT STOP OH NO MY SON HAS HASCHATES OH NO- YOU SHOULD BE BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS!"

I practically screamed and hit him with the hatchet hard in the head making blood splatter right after those words I said then a soft, terrified voice spoke, shakily and tears were blended in with her voice.

"T-Tobias- y-you... y-you shouldn't have d-done that- I-Its late and the screaming could be heard from miles away- t-the cops will be coming and find out- a-and who knows what will happen to you at this point."

I froze and tears started to come from my eyes as sirens could be heard in the distance. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a lighter and match and ran on the house lighting it on fire when I heard the scream of my mother, something made it sound far away. Then I realized she ran out of the house. I stood there, as flames blasted heat all around my now, I stood there and started to shake tears filling face. My legs were going numb and were shaking horrendously. That's when I lost balance and fell. I fell into someone's arms but then blacked out instantly.  


Screams loudly and wakes up sweaty and shaking, and tears came rushing down my face." T-THS DIDN'T HAPPEN LYRA DOESN'T EXIST! I-I DIDN'T KILL HIM I DIDN'T PUT HER IN DANGER !" Screams while crying hard and hugs knees tightly and starts rocking back and forth. W-what d-did I d-do, h-how. Starts sobbing into knees losing control of emotions of everything. I started to think more of that dream, and all of the other dreams and started to cry harder, shaking badly now. All I could do was try to speak but it was mumbled and drowned by the tears and breathing that came from me. I hyperventilate a bit heavily while sobbing. My foot started to twitch a bit and I had just lost control. I kept crying hard and tried to breathe heavily. But that's when someone's hand hit the rim of a where a door was supposed to be and they just stared at me as I was mumbling, shaking, twitching, hyperventilating and sobbing. I heard them sigh and start and slowly walked off, shoes clacking against the tiled wooden floor. 

 I was starting to lose my grip on reality, was this all real-? I go numb sometimes, and what if the dreams are real- like coming from memory. I didn't really know anymore. I started to think about this more and started crying and hyperventilating more. I was lost letting all darkness take over my mind-It was like I spawned in a maze- I tried to get out but I couldn't, the darkness was starting to surrounding me at all corners making it impossible to see, but then it takes over you and haunts you forever, no possible way to escape at this point. I was too late. And that guy in my dream, he got it all right, it is my fault, everything is. 

I started curled up slightly, still hugging my knees and started to cry harder into my knees shaking more, hyperventilating badly at this point. That's when the same hand hit the rim of the door with a shaky voice managed to speak. 


I couldn't even bare a word, all I could do was mumble, try to breathe and cry. And it felt like it wouldn't end. They started to walk closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder and sighed. I started to cry harder, which made it impossible to tell who it was since there voice was a bit muffled. I kept trying but then I lost control of surroundings and everything around me and just sit there shaking, scared, losing control of all things, and cry. 

( WhOoSPiE -  about 900 words uwu yay- hope you all enjoyed it- get ready for the next part-....SOrry It's a bit sadder today but eh next time It'll be better uwu less sad-... uwu welp bye until next time uwu)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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