Our first ask!

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NiceIce3 asks: 

What are your favourite colours, worst fears and life dreams, or just the weird dreams you get when you sleep at night

Fran: My favorite colors are purple and green, my worst fear is falling, I'm basiphobic. The weirdest dream I've had was a dream where I had to jump down to a location to survive but every time I jumped gravity got taken away.

Chok: Wow Frana, that IS strange. Anyway, my favorite colors are pink, blue, and glitter. My worst fears are spiders, sometimes closets, mirrors, and windows at night. Because I don't really sleep at night or when I do I don't dream, I guess my life dream is to invent a thing called, "the Richard" it is just like Rick from Unikitty! and can help keep your house clean!

Fran: That's a good idea. Anyway bye. 

Chok: Ask and dare us more! Byyyye!

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