Chapter Two-Mystery Man

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Kat's POV

"As you may know Nicole and Brie are very protective of me and can always sense when something is up."

"I've heard."

"So when we get there we HAVE to act like a real couple otherwise they'll realize we aren't dating and it'll be a shit show."

"I'm getting nervous now."

"Dolph, I'm serious! You don't know them like I do! So as long as you give me hugs and cheek kisses every now and then we'll be fine."

"Just cheek?" Dolph smirked at me. I slap his arm playfully.

"Shut up!" I giggle. 

Soon enough Dolph and I pull up in front of John Cena's mansion. I look to Dolph and mouth 'you ready?' he nods his head and we exit the car. I take a deep breath and Dolph holds my hand. He squeezes it reassuringly. I smile at him and kiss his cheek, because maybe they can see us? Dolph grabs our bags and I head to the door and knock. I hear barks coming from the other side of the door and I feel my self become more nervous each bark. As I hear footsteps approaching the door I begin to regret even coming to see Nicole. I mean Dolph and I are here to assist her with her everyday life and I can barely even walk. Let alone drive her anywhere, and I can't exactly help her with heavy lifting because my arm is in a god damn sling! Suddenly the door opens and Dolph and I are greeted by John and Brie. Odd combo but okay.

"Kat you're finally here!" Brie exclaimed as she tackled me in a hug.

"And very injured." John added. That caused Brie to glare at him as if he just said something rude.

"O-oh yeah, I uh just got out of a surgery recently." Brie just smiled at me and John gave me a look of pity. He knew just as much as I do that I shouldn't be here. That's when Brie noticed Dolph standing next to me.

"Wait a minute. Dolph? What are you doing here?!"

"I'm Kat's plus one." He smiled at Brie then me.

I could feel the tension rising between the three of them. John was the first to speak up.

"Well let's get you two settled in then shall we?" John put his hand on Dolph's back and led him inside. Brie pulled me over and whispered in my ear.

"Nicole is not going to like this." 

"I know but, it's not her right to decide who I get to date."

Brie rolled her eyes playfully and walked me inside. I didn't see John or Dolph in the house so I assumed they were in the guest house putting our stuff away. Brie took me into the living room and JJ immediately hugged me. I hugged him back to the best of my abilities, when he noticed this he gave me a concerned look.

"What happened?" He asked.

I looked around and saw everyone else was staring at me with the same look.

"Yeah, I got injured a while back in wrestling. I had to get surgery for them but those surgeries were weeks ago," I tried my best to lie to them, although it was hard to hide the sadness in my voice.  It's not like I had to relinquish the cruiserweight title, on live television. And it's not like It was all over the news about how a woman won the first cruiserweight classic. So it's no biggie.

"Well at least you're here now and well," Nicole stood up from her spot and hugged me gently. She must be sore from her injury. "but now that you're here, where's the mystery man?" She asked excitedly. Brie gave me a look from behind Nikki, as if saying 'don't tell her anything'.

"U-uh, he's currently with John," I smiled nervously. Just then John and Dolph come back into the house, they walk in through the slide door behind Nikki. I notice a glare on JJ's face and a shocked expression on my mom's. Once Nicole turned around and saw Dolph her jaw dropped. 

"Dolph!? What the hell are you doing here!" She yelled at him. I felt bad for Dolph so I walked over to him and grabbed his hand with my good arm. Dolph squeezed it as if he was squeezing out his nerves. I didn't mind though, his hand was warm and calmed my nerves a little too.

My family just kind of, stared at us. No one said anything but the silence said enough.

"Dolph and I are,,,, dating. We've been dating for a couple of months now and I would appreciate it if you accepted him again like you did all those years ago." I squeezed Dolph's hand a little when I said that, I'm one of the last people to raise my voice, or to get angry at my family. I just don't like conflict. Bryan was the first to speak.

"Well if two truly like each other then we should have nothing against it,"

"Yeah if  you two truly like each other." Nicole sneered at Dolph. I sighed and looked to my feet. This is going to be one hell of a family 'vacation'. 


Sorry that was so short, I promise next chapter will be longer. And sorry this took so long to get out, I kind of gave up on this book until recently when some of you asked me to continue this. Also from now on the chapters will be like, an episode each. So they will be longer but will take longer to get out, also comment any suggestions or things you want to see! 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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