Their Meet

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It all started when my mom meet her boyfriend.She met him through her Best Friend Ruth.Ruth was hispanic kinda chubby curly hair to her soulders with blonde highlights.She was like my aunt so i called her aunty.

She introutroduced them when we went to her house and he was there so she introduced them. Then couple of weeks later my mom and J that is his name started talkin on the phone.

When she talked to anyone on the phone me and my little sister Ana could ask her anything and she would say yes so of course we used it to get anything we wanted it was so simple.

Weekes pased and we found out that J and Ruth had broke up. My mom talked to J and they started to hang out.Then she told us they were dating. I didnt care because he was cool.

Every day after school i was in 4 grade my sister was in 2 grade. J Would call my mom and when we got home she would send us to take a shower and get ready. She never told us where we were going.

We would go pick him up in orlando.At that time we lived with my mom family. My grandma,moms sister,mom brother,and two cusins,my mom,sister,and me.out of the four kids i was the oldest.

Of course that meant when no grown ups were home i would have to watch them. Witch really wasnt hard because they were young. My sister was 7 my cousin Anthony aka Tony was 6 and my littlest cousin Ruby was 3 nd i was 9.

All i had to do was make sandwiches,watch movies with them,play,and sometimes i would let them play on the computer. I had to watch them every Saturday because everyone went to work. So i was their "mom" from 5am to about 7pm.

On Sundays my mom would take us to J place since he lived in Orlando he lived in a ghetto neighborhood.But it was nice ghetto but calm. Like always we went out to eat this time we went to Golden Coral.

Me and Ana went to get food and my mom and J stayed at the table talking. I couldnt hear what they were talking about but when we got back i heared my mom say "I dont know ill ask them what they think" he said "here they come hey your mom wants to ask u somthing" "do you want to move to Orlando with J??" she said.

Instantly me and my sister looked at each other.We both knew that we wanted to stay but we havent seen my mom so happy with anyone in a long time.

I asked her "do you wanna go??" "i do i think its going to be a good change for us" i though i wouldnt be so bad i mean i can start all over again. But what i didnt think of was what i was gonna miss at that time.

I ate in silence the rest if the time i starred to think about what i was going to miss.when we finished we left and he told us were we were gonna live it was in orlando in pine hills

Out of all places in orlando it had to be Pine Hills.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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