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*~* Louis *~*

“I’m not ready for this,” Louis told his mum one month before his eighteenth birthday. Jay just laughed at him, kissed him on the head, and sent him to go and get the mail. Louis really was, naturally, ready for the assignment. He would go to his town hall, take a personality test, and get the letter a week later informing him about who his Dominant was. The test, Louis heard from his mother, wasn’t anything to worry about. There were no confusing or trick questions. It was all straight forward. She couldn’t, by law, tell him what was on the test, but she could tell him that it wasn’t all that bad. 

Louis was now in a little light blue, the same colour as the swirls on the back of his neck, room waiting for the short woman to come back in with his test. Louis palms were sweating and he was nervous, enough to want to call his mom, crying. The door clicked then swung open leaving the short woman, Sally, standing there.

“Name?” She asked looking at him over her glasses. Of course she knew, but she needed to make sure that he was who he really said he was.

“Er, Louis Tomlinson,” He said making her look back down at the packet.

“Age and date of birth?” She asked looking back to him, her eyes were a weird brown, a mix between mud and stone.

“Seventeen and December 24th,” A week away. She nodded to herself and walked to the metal table Louis sat in front of. She put the packet down, signed the line at the top, and then turned it to him and pointed at the line underneath hers to sign. He took the provided pen and quickly scribbled his signature.

“This right here is the State Certified Assignment Test. Please answer all the questions truthfully and leave none blank. This test will be matched with a Dom and you will get a letter in the mail with his name and test results. Please take all the time you need and when you are done push the red button on the wall to your left,” Louis looked at the button to make sure it was there before he glanced back to her. She pushed the test straight in front of Louis and traded his pen out for a mechanical pencil. They wouldn’t provide him with another. “Please do not open the packet until this door closes behind me and beeps three times,” She added and turned, walking out of the room, turning back to look at him as the door slowly swung shut. There were three beeps, and Louis took a long calming breath before turning to the first page.

Name, Louis provided it. Age, he wrote it down. The test was full of questions, about Louis' build and what he liked to do in his alone time. It wasn’t until the last few pages when things got a little uncomfortable. Virgin? Yes. Sexual Orientation? Gay. Reds? Reds were the things Louis didn’t want his Dom to do, like fecal play or water sports. Louis wrote those down and added a few others like Canes, Electrical play, insertions, and suspension. He had a list of fifteen things when he finally found himself stuck. Were there really only fifteen things he didn’t want done to him? He sat and thought for what felt like forever before he moved on. Green? Things that Louis did not mind at all done to him. Spanking was the first thing on his list, making him flush in embarrassment. There wasn't many things for he wasn’t sure what he was okay with and what he wasn’t, he just hoped it wouldn't alter the test negatively.

When Louis was done with his test, he looked it over nice and hard to make sure that all the questions were answered, they were, and that they were all truthful, no matter how embarrassing, they were. He stood from his plastic seat and reached to his left to push the red button. There was a click and he sat back down, waiting for somebody to take his test from him and let him go home to freak out for the next seven days.


"Mom, I'm going to pass out,” Louis whispered looking down at the bright neon green colored envelope, sitting on his mothers kitchen island.

“Gosh my baby is growing up so fast,” She gushed and reached for the envelope but Louis quickly snatched it away. He wanted to see the name first. Wanted to freak out about it first. He picked up the little needle next to where the envelope was and pricked his index finger with it. There was a seal on the back of the envelope that would only open with a drop of Louis’ blood. This was so no one could steal Louis results before he could get it.

“I hope he’s not some creep,” Louis told his mum who fluttered her hands about as he slid the little laminated picture out. “Harry Styles,” He read as his breath rushed from his lungs. His Dom was four things. One, gorgeous. He had curly brown hair and the sexiest green eyes. Two, he was filthy rich. Three, he was thirty-two for fucks sake! Four, unmatched by a Sub for a reason. “Mum, I can’t do this,” Louis almost choked on air as she took the picture from him staring at it. Everybody knew who this man was, he was the CEO of his own alcohol company, and a rather popular one for that matter.

Louis next pulled out Harry’s assignment results. They were a sky rocket of 148 out of 150. Meaning Harry was very high maintenance and knew exactly what kind of Sub he wanted. Louis’ scores were right under Harry’s with a score of 149 out of 150, something which was rare for a sub. Submissives usually only scored about 80 to 100. There was a date, time, and place stamped into the bottom of the paper.

January 1st. 5:00 pm. St. Joes Shoppe.

That’s when and where Louis was to meet his Dominant.

*~* Harry *~*

“When do you think you’ll be assigned someone?” Zayn asked, leaning back against Harry’s very fluffy couch.

“I doubt I’ll ever get one,” The man chuckled, lifting his champagne glass to his lips. Zayn looked at him with sad eyes making Harry roll his. “Don’t give me that look, you asshole. You have Niall, be happy. When I get a sub we’ll know that he’s perfect. He has to surpass such a high score I doubt I’ll ever get a sub's name in the mail,” Harry started strong but slowly dwindled into a mumble.

“Sir Styles. Mail,” Came a voice from behind Harry and he turned boredly, holding his hand out for it. Niall reached forward to slip the neon green envelope into Harry’s large palm. The Dom sat up, straight as a line as soon as he saw what was in his hands.

Confusion flitted across Zayn's face, but then he shook his head in awe, "Speak of the devil..."

“Fucking shit Zayn,” Harry said, giving the raven haired man a wide eyed look. He motioned for Harry to tear the needle from the front and open it. Harry did so, flipping the flap back and pulling out the little picture and name. Louis Tomlinson, age eighteen.

“He’s gorgeous,” Zayn said, now standing and leaning over Harry’s shoulder. The Dom nodded, looking up at him then down to the fair haired boy staring back as if he could see Harry through the camera.

“A fucking score of 149 Zayn,” Harry said waving the next paper he pulled out in Zayns face. The Dom laughed and clipped Harry on the back, smiling.

“Got yourself a perfect one,” He said leaning forward again, “When are you supposed to meet him?” He asked and Harry thoroughly read the paper through.

“January 1st. 5:00 pm. St.Joes Shoppe.”

His Submission {BDSM} {Larry Mpreg} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now