I'm just gonna say it-

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Okay, I'm just gonna say it because...I hate that it's just bugging me.

I know I have no real reason to say it on the internet but I just wanna say it and I don't want to make it a big deal...why the hell would someone make a big deal out of this?


I don't know, I'm an idiot.

Anyway, you all know I'm Asexual, I'm pretty open about it. But, ever since I found out I was Ace, I still questioned my "romantic orientation".

Basecilly, who I'm romanticly attracted to-

And guess what! I finally figured it out but it was months ago.

I'm Asexual Bi-romantic.

Or how my mum puts it, "half gay". My mum's weird like me okay. Yet, only a couple of my family members know and my closest friend, if anyone asked me at school (which they do even though I've told them so many times-) I just stuck to Ace.

My youngest cousin though keeps saying I'm gay though because I'm more into girls than boys but I don't care, she's eight and likes to annoy litterly everyone. You might not know fully what I mean by "Asexual Bi-romantic" but for some reason, it makes me a bit uncomfortable saying what it means over the internet.

I'm weird-

Basecilly, I'm romantically attracted to both boys and girls.

I just hate how my dad doesn't like it, he sees it as wrong (which is why I call him Mr. Homophobic) but my mum keeps saying it doesn't matter what he thinks because he barely has anything to do with me but it still bugs me even though it shouldn't-

I don't know, sorry if I just said this and made you uncomfortable or something.

Just wanna finally say it.

At least I can finally say and admit I've had at least three crushes over my lifetime, one of them was someone on here but it died a while ago because of certain reasons.

But yeah, anyway I'm gonna go hid in a corner and watch YouTube.


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