No turning back

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It was the day after the hit on the Demarcos I wondered to myself what would the next step be for Paulley just as that thought entered my mind my phone rang I answered on the other end was Paulley he said "hey kid you did good now listen meet me at the place tonight around twelve o'clock wear a suit and don't be late you got it ?" I didn't know what to say I only acknowledged. Later that evening I got on my best suit and overcoat and went to meet Paulley at a warehouse near the harbor the wind was cold bowing in I brought my coat collar up closer to my neck approached the warehouse and knocked Uncel Vito's bodyguard answered the door and led me toward the back where at a horseshoe shaped table sat my Uncel Vito in the middle, jimmy "the killer" Gigante To his right Paul "the preacher" Lombardi Paulley and Anthony "The ant" Antonella were on the ends the room was dimly lit apart from a candle in the middle of the table I approached the table as Uncel Vito stood and asked for my hand he then took a knife and cut my hand as Paulley put a picture of a saint under my outstretched hand the blood dripped from my hand and onto the picture it was taken and set aflame and placed back into my hand as Uncel Vito said "Joseph Falcone tonight you are being formally inducted in to Lacosanostra this thing of ours if you violate what you know about this life may you burn like the saint that's burning in your hands" after which they all stood and kissed my cheek and hugged me I had heard them speak of such a ceremony as a child but never did I think I would take part in it I was now a inducted member in lacosanostra there will be no turning back from here on whatever my family called upon me to do I would have to carry out whatever they

needed with no remorse as I have been told from the time I was a small child "Business is business and nothing can stand in the way". This fact was but coming more apparent to me as the days progressed Paulley had called a meeting with all of the Street soldiers I was told by Uncel Vito to attend I wasn't sure why. The meeting was on the Eastside on a Friday afternoon it was just about lunchtime and the hustle and bustle resumed cars passing by on the street police sirens screeching in the distance all of that was cut silent whenever I opens the door stepped in and shut it behind me there towards the back of the room all the guys were sitting at a table and they all seemed to be waiting on me as I placed my overcoat on the rack I saw them all stand and begin to clap for me as Pauley he said well gentlemen this is your new capo! I was startled and all of the cheers and clapping I wasn't really sure what to think they all embraced me and said here's to you Joey it seemed like everything was falling into place for me I felt as if I'de been groomed my entire life for that moment in all truth I did not realize it very well as a child but now it was all becoming clear I was to take over the family one of these days and uncle Vito would have it no other way. I went home after the meeting and got some well-deserved rest everything is been quiet between the families for so long now everyone forgot what it was like to have someone you were near and dear to die on the side of the street well that peace and serenity was to be shattered this morning little did I know as I woke up my aforementioned cousin Rocco was in the back of some hitman's car about to be taken out of this life like a captured dog.
At around 8:30 that morning I awoke sat up in bed and felt as if though something wasn't right I went to the bathroom to shave and looked in the mirror my lord I looked ruff I guess the events of the past couple days had taken their toll on me I washed my face put on a suit and tie and went out the door I was pretty sure without having to ask him Paulie would like to see me today as I got in the car I thought to myself my life of crime afforded me a life of luxury as well as my house cars and suit showed I did well for myself a hustle here a hustle there a never ending cycle of money making to be 23 at the time I lived in a estate in 423 Eastman road a upper class neighborhood the house was large enough to command the whole area I had seven beautifully manicured acres 10 bedrooms 9 bathrooms private tennis court the works I had a fleet of the nicest cars money could buy from Lamborghini to porsche and Aston Martin that day I opted to drive the red Lamborghini countach any 23 year old kid would love to have a car like that I was living proof of the American dream never mind how I got the money when people asked me what I did I would always say a lawyer or contractor only my closest friends and allies knew the atruth after I had pondered those thoughts for as long as I could I got to the business at hand I pulled up to the social club Pauly had already called the captains in to let them know what was going on with Rocko I went through the door of his office and there he was pacing around the floor looking lost and blaming himself "if I would have been there they couldn't have gotten him" poor guy was falling apart at the seams I approached him and said "hey Paul how ya doin" his response was "poor kid and stupid me for not being able to get to him" I had never seen Paul cry he wasn't that type of guy he was the strong emotionless type but there he was tears in his eyes I didn't know what to do or say little did anyone know that Pauly was like a father to Rocko he practically raised the kid and now in what seemed like a split second he was gone he told me to tell the boys what to do and I obliged I opened his door and went outside to the bar area of the social club where they were all sitting eagerly waiting on my directions I began "so boys I'm sure you have heard about what happened last night while we all slept well those guys made a serious mistake when they hurt Rocko now listen carefully I want you to hit them hard and fast kill anyone affiliated with their outfit now here is your list of places I want torched and completely destroyed
1 Happy times social club
2 the sperello brothers tire shop
3 the house at 326 park road
4 the lucky seven casino
Got that boys you guys take care of that for me and I want Joey the ant and Louie two times to take care of the guys that hit Rocko I want to know what they drive where and when they sleep their daily routines I want you to know them better than they know themselves" things were about to
get a lot more interesting around here

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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