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I ran down the hall towards the elevator and down to the lobby. thankfully it was still dark so not that many people were out. I ran down the sidewalk not paying attention to what was in front of me, I was too focused on what just happened.

Did I really just see him kill that old woman because of me no no what am I thinking, that couldn't happen yoongi is just sweet but quiet and kind boy he wouldn't ever. But what I just saw was a kind old lady pushed to the floor inside of my apartment that I'm now running away from because I just witnessed an almost murder.

Oh my god did he kill her I stopped run and realized I had run to a park of some sort, I turned and looked at the direction I came from and saw nothing but darkness? The second I stopped and process what happened the weight of what just happened came crashing down on me for what felt like and bricks. Broke down to my knees and started to cry uncontrollably.

Was I really responsible for a murder?

did he kill her did she know what was about to happen she couldn't have right or did she because she told me to run but why would she do that if she didn't know what was about to happen?

why would she risk her life for me?

All these questions that will never be answered.

Then, I feel I slight tap on my shoulder I back up immediately and try to get away from the person and put my arms in front of my face trying to block who's ever in front of me.  “please I just want to help you not to harm you” I look up to see the guy from the grocery store standing in front of me. I grab his hand and he lifts me up to my feet “ are you ok ”  “ no” I say while shaking my head vigorously I can't help but feel my legs give out from how tired I am. I fall into his arms and fell asleep.


No no no no no I lost her again dammit that old woman helped her. I guess just another person trying to get in the way of our love, I got up and looked at the direction of the old lady and saw she was looking back at me with fear and determination. “ I'm not letting you hurt that young woman,” she said while still trembling in fear. I smirked and walked over to her and grab her throat “hurt her I was trying to save her she's the love of my life, don't you understand no one can get in the way and especially you”. Then there was this voice a voice that had told me to find her in the first place.


The voice just came out of nowhere i had it only started to happen the night after she left.


I was just about to live the photoshoot when one of the makeup assistants came running up to me and grabbed my arm and tried to get me to go drinking with her. She began pulling me along with a couple of her other friends I tried to talk my way out of it but she just wouldn't let it slide. It got to a point I started to get frustrated, then I noticed she was pulling me to a pub across the street.  I felt myself internally cringe at the sight I promised Y/N to never drink again from one time I came home drunk and tried forcing myself on her. I remember how shaken up she looked at me as some kind of monster and wouldn't let me touch her. I became so frustrated to the point I thought about cheating but thankfully I was able to explain everything to her and she thankfully forgave me. The second the woman pushed me through the front door I became overwhelmed with the smell of strong beverages and the cackling old men.

I immediately turned to leave but once again my arm was pulled to the corner of the pub were a couple of the photographers were sitting drinking. We both sat down and started talking but one of them offered me a drink I refused but keep getting offers from others to the point where I thought one drink won't hurt right?

At the end of the night, I had a total of five shots two beers, when I was done drinking and talking. I went to leave but felt my legs give in I felt two other people try to lift me up and asked if I knew the way home. I brushed it off and told them I'll just ride the bus home so the guided me to the bus stop once I was placed on the bench they told me to have a good night and good luck on my date.

I was thinking to myself what could they mean by date I tried to stand up and ask what the ment but just stumbled back on the bench. I was resting my head on the bench waiting for the bus but then my brain went back to what they said about a date. Then I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket I pulled it out and saw a message from Y/N I opened the message and saw she was asking where I was and was asking if I had some kind of problem at work. But, then that's where it hit me we had a date for our anniversary. I stood up and started running to the restaurant we agreed to meet up at but then, I felt small raindrops start to pour down on me. I could feel the cold breeze brush passed me with the mixture of the rain freeze all of my senses all I could feel was the eagerness to see her face. The hatred she properly feels for me because I was late and to add to that I broke a promise I made to her.

I know I'll just get there and explain everything to her hopefully she didn't live already. Once I make it to the restaurant I see her sitting there with her head down “ Y/N” i called out her name before I could get even closer to her she stood up and looked me straight in the eyes “were over with”I never thought words could hurt so much those simple three words felt like the whole world collapsed on me all at once. She turned and ran through the crowd and that was the last glimpse I saw of her. But then a voice other than mine said….

NOT OVER UNTIL I SAY SO!!!!!            

Thanks happy new years~~~❤

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