Who am I?

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Who am I?

Who am I?

I am 18 years old and I can't tell you who I am. I mean I can tell you that I am a freshman in college and that I come from a large family but that's about it.

If you ask ten people who are close to me their going to give you ten different answers. I change my personality base on the people I'm around. My family members would say I'm a love able, respectful young lady. My childhood friends would say I'm talkative, funny, and a decent human being. My college friends would say I'm direct and a little on the wild side but not too much.

But as I look in the mirror I'm not sure if I'm any of those things. I've changed my mask so many times to the point where I'm not sure who the real me is.

Will I ever find who I am before it's too late?

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