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A/N: Art on this page by JennyDavis on DeviantArt

Deku has started a chat named 'H3lP'

Deku has invited Shouto, Uravity, and 16 others to 'H3lP'

Deku: HeLp

Shouto: What happened Midoria?

Deku: ...

Deku has requested for a private chat with Mamma_Mina


Mamma_Mina: Waht's wrong?!?!

Deku: I-

Deku: I t-think that I j-just killed s-somebody-y an-nd I-I need-d hel-lp hid-ding the-e bod-dy

Mamma_Mina: ... 

Mamma_Mina: *shooketh*

Mamma_Mina: ... Who?

Deku: E-Ende-eavor-r

Mamma_Mina: ... Good for you, deku!

Deku: ...

Deku: NANI!?!??!!?!??!!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!??

Deku: I mean, I know he was a bad guy, but we're heros! Unless since he was a bad guy, we need to bring justice to the bad guys? But it's still not right to kill someone! But.. he put Todoroki through so much pain and suffering... But he was still the #2 hero! People will never forgive me for killing him ! But he was such a bad man? He still did save lots of people and put to justice evil villains... but he was an evil villain in himself! He tourtured todoroki! Still, society will never forgive me fo-

Mamma_Mina: DEKU!


Deku: Sorrysorrysorrysorry! I was mumbling over text! O-O

Mamma_Mina: *sigh* it's okay 

Deku: .. you know you don't have to sigh over text right?

Mamma_Mina: So why? I mean, I kinda wanted to do it myself, but you're a really nice and forgiving guy.

Deku: ... 

Deku: I'd rather not answer that

Mamma_Mina: Okayyyyy then!

Mamma_Mina: So how are we gonna get rid of the body?

Deku: Can you use your acid to dissolve him, then we can stick hi- OHMYGODHEMOVEDHESALIVE

Mamma_Mina: *freaking out*

A/N so, does Endeavor live or not? Who knows? (Oh yeah, I do lol) well, see you in the next chapter!  -Author~Chan <3

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