Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, a long time ago, a lone star fell from the sky. It crashed down from the heavens and bloomed into a beautiful purple flower. However, unlike your everyday violet, this flower possessed the power of healing the sick and bringing the dead back to life! All you had to do was sing a simple song.

flower gleam and glow,

let you powers shine.

Make the clock reverse,

give me what once was mine, what one was mine.

Unfortunately only one person knew of the flower and the magical qualities it possessed. Her name was Madam Red. She hoarded the flower for years, using it to gain eternal youth.

Centuries passed and a hop skip and a boat ride away, their grew a kingdom. The kingdom had a beloved king and queen, and the queen was due to have a baby, however she fell sick. Really sick.

The people of England desperately searched for something to save their beloved queen and the prince, and through what seemed like fate, the flower was found. The queen was healed and gave birth to a healthy baby boy! The boy had pure white hair, like snow and eyes as blue as the summer sky. He was of coarse given a name as beautiful as his appearance. I'll give you a hint, he's Ciel.

In celebration the king and queen lit a lantern and let it flow into the sky, and in that moment everything was perfect. But then that moment ended.

The witch, Madam red snuck into the castle that night, searching for her precious flower. As she walked up to the cradle she began singing the short tune.

Flower gleam and glow.

she approached the cot and brought a pair of scissors to Ciel's hair

Let your powers shine.

She snipped a large chunk of hair only to instantly recoil, for the hair she had just cut turned to a chalky black. Her appearance quickly became one of an old hag, her glossy red hair shriveled as did her skin. In haste she  grabbed the boy and fled.

The kingdom searched and searched for their lost prince but he could not be found. He had been hidden away in a tower, where Madam red raised him as her own child. Ciel would often grow curious of the outside world but she would always reply in a soothing voice "The out side world is a cancerous place. You must stay here, where you'll be safe."

However the walls of that tower could not hide everything. Every year, on Ciel's birthday the kingdom would let thousands of lanterns up into the sky, in hopes that their prince would one day return.

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