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Normal POV.

Meanwhile at a under water containment lab there were 2 more artificial mobians being woken up by a man named Dr. Eggman. Eggman jade made two mobians just as strong as Shadow and he was about to awaken them. The pods opened and a red with dark blue stripes in his qwills came out of the pod labeled Flair.

Eggman: hello Flair are you ok to stand?

Flair: yes I'm fine to stand and ready to fight as well.

Eggman: good to heir now let's open Angel's pod up shall we.

The second pod opened and a white bat with golden yellow streaks in he fur fell to her knees and caught he self and stood up almost as fast as he fell.

Eggman: well that's good to see, now Are you ok take stand

Angel? Angel: yes and I'm ready to meet that person you called Shadow.

The day went on as Angel and Flair fought to see how was stronger but every time they fought Flair always won.

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