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Fuck Boy
(Message seen)

Fuck Boy

Fuck Boy
How are you ? It's getting colder by the day and I don't want you getting it into your skin. Please take care of yourself

Sexy Chick
Don't bother about me
(Message has been deleted)

Fuck Boy
I saw that.

Fuck Boy
I just don't wish to bother you ...so....bye.

Fuck Boy
Just stay safe ok?

Fuck Boy

Fuck Boy
Talk to you later

Sana Pov

"What does he take me for? Some bitch or what. Whatever"?

I got out of my thought and dropped my phone on my bed which i was seated on and turned to my cat. She looks ever beautiful and fluffy. I make sure she eats well and as well visit the hospital after every two weeks, to avoid skin disease or uncertain events.

" meow" She meowed calling sweetly on my attention as she would always. I turned to her giving her the warmest and cheerful smile ever.

"Meow" She goes again.

"Come here girly" I called on her as she got into my arms and felt relaxation at this pace. "That guy won't just let me be" I started off as i pulled and played with girly's fluffy hair. "But i don't know why i sent him that message that night, to talk to me" i paused "he's really nice and sweet to me. By and by each day, i always wish to see his messages pop up. I don't know why, or am i in love"?

"Meow" Girly meowed again and rubbed her face softly on my skin.

"It's ok girly. I'm here, always" i said and kissed her forehead. "I don't think he loves me" i continued in my thought "i just think he's a guy who's gonna use and dump me too if i give him a chance".

The few minutes i couldn't stop thinking about the fuck boy on my dms and what his plans could be , girly had fallen asleep.

The weather isn't getting any warmer and i must warm girly up before my hell of a aunty comes back with a beanpole looking gigolo because she doesn't like my cat and neither does she like me.

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