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Here's my last gift for you all this year.



Jealous wifey?

Jealous wifey!!

Jealous wifey!!

Phana wanted to flip the table right now.

What has the world come to?

What his life had become?

And why was he still reading this forum?

All these questions, with no answers.

But he could surely answer the first sentence, negating it.

Like usual, Phana had gone to play basketball with his buddies.

Needless to say Forth was there, along with that Mongy boy.

During the course of the game, that mongy had elbowed him on the stomach. By mistake he can assure.

And Phana's face had twisted in pain. Right at that moment, Forth had appeared on his side asking his condition.

And those three were captured in one frame.

Phana's pained expression was branded as jealousy and the photo was doing rounds in college with the heading ' jealous wifey'.

That jealous wifey being him.

First a horny bottom, now this.

Wasn't life just great.


Just a short update guys.

2hours 10 minutes to the new year

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