Thirty Five (Real Life)

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All three boys walked upstairs, going straight into the guest room. Hoseok being the last one in shut the door behind them.

Both Jimin and Yoongi sat down on the bed while Hoseok just stayed standing by the door, the room had fallen into an awkward and very uncomfortable silence, no one daring to speak up first.

They stayed liked that for at least two minutes before Yoongi broke the silence with a small "Why?"

Hoseok turned his head so that he could see his little baby, he had a small frown on his face as he looked down at his hand that were in his lap covered by his jumper sleeves. Not Yoongi's jumper but Hoseoks to be exact.

He hadn't realised he was wearing it until he looked closely at the older man.

"Why what?" Was all he said, he didn't say it bluntly he just wanted one of them to start the conversation.

"Why did you suddenly need space? Why did you start avoiding us and being an asshole as well huh? What the fuck did we do?" Jimin said, glaring at the male.

Hoseok was quiet for a while which only managed to piss Jimin off even more "Do you not love us or something? You want to break up is that it?! If so then fine! Fuck you then! We're over!" He shouted, this only tore a cry out of Yoongi.

"You don't mean it Chim? Right? You don't really want to break up with us right? Right?!" Yoongi finally shouted, tears streaming down his face, his little nose turning red as snot fell as well.

Jimin took Yoongi into his arms, glaring at Hoseok but he to also had tears welling up into his eyes.

Hoseok shook his head frantically, he had tears brimming his own eyes as he watched the two he loved dearly crying.

"No that's not it," he choked out.

"Then what is it Hoseok? If that's not it then what the fuck did we do wrong?" he replied, his tears now slowly rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm just sick and tired with being hidden away okay? I hate how you both can be open with each other," he said "I want to show everyone that both of you are mine, but I can't. It's been a fucking year already, why can't we tell anyone? If not the world why not the guys?!" He finally managed to get out, his tears falling as well.

All three of them were a mess, all of them crying and choking on their tears.

"Because we don't want people not to accept us! Fuck, what would our parents say if they found out we were all in a poly relationship?" He said "They'd be disgusted, like everyone else, even the guys!"

"The guys have already said they'd accept it! Fuck, they're even shipping it and planning a wedding! So I'm pretty sure they're accepting," he scoffed, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah that's great, that's only a few. Not everyone is accepting you know?" He retorted.

"It sounds like to me that you, yourself doesn't accept whatever this is," he replied with a glare.

"Oh yeah clearly, if I wasn't don't you think I would have said something? Don't you think I wouldn't have allowed the relationship?" He sneered "Of course I accept the relationship you fucking buffoon, I love you just as much a Yoongi!"

"Then why Jimin? Why? I put everything into this relationship just as much as you two, yet I can't show it when we're around other people and you know what? It fucking hurts, it hurts to see that you two can look at each other lovingly and can do romantic things, but I can't!" He shouted, trying not to cry again.

"I just can't.." he said, looking away letting out a small sob.

Hoseok may be angry, but he isn't cold hearted and just hearing Jimin and Yoongi crying broke his heart.

He walked over to the bed, sitting down next to both of them and pulling them into a group hug as he too began to cry as well.

He loved these boys so much, all he wanted to do was tell the world but only ended up hurting them as well.

He knows he's not being selfish for wanting that, but he was being selfish for pushing them away and not telling them how he truly felt.

"I just love you both so much, I just want to tell people. Maybe not the world, but maybe we can tell the boys?" He says, hoping that this could be a step in their relationship.

The two didn't say anything for awhile which broke the boy on the inside.

But finally, when they pulled away they both placed a hand on Hoseoks tear stained cheeks.

He looked at both of them, their cheeks stained with their own tears as well.

"We can tell the guys, but only them for now," Jimin said quietly, Yoongi nodding his head in agreement.

"We love you Hoseok, we don't want to lose you and if telling the guys will make you happy then we will," Yoongi said with a tearful smile "When we're ready we'll finally tell the world."

Hoseok nodded his head with a small smile "I love you two."

"I love you both as well," Jimin said.

"And I love you both more," Yoongi replied with a gummy smile.

They all let out small laughs, smiles finally reaching their lips for the first time in weeks.

"Merry Christmas," Hoseok said.

"Merry Christmas to you as well," they both replied.

With smiles, they all shared passionate kisses between each other.

They were finally happy that they can finally be together once again.

Their Christmas may have started off bad but it sure did finish amazing.

The guys accepted their relationship.

They all had dinner and passed around presents before all finally going back hope.

Everyone was happy.

Everyone was in love.


I know it's not Christmas but like, this was supposed to be posted just after the first one on Christams but I ended up falling asleep and forgetting to finish this chapter.

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