Bonnibel x Marceline

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Chapter 1.

" Bonnibel, why are you trying to make the dead come back to life. AGAIN? I mean it didn't work out well last time, plus we have a movie to go see soon. " Marceline whipsered in Bonnibel's ear, she was right about the movie but wasn't so right about the dead rising not working so well. If Finn wasn't there at the grave yard everything would have been fine. But of course he had to show up and knock down her potion. She let out a sigh and gave Marceline a kiss on the cheek.

"Just wait one minute. I'm also done. " Bonnibel spoke as she poured some green looking stuff in a different bottle. Just then as Marceline's face lowered from a bright red to a dull pink smoke rose from the bottle only to hear and see a loud explosion. " Oh no! Not again! " Bonnibel yelled as Marceline pulled her back from the mistake she made.

" Well, well my little princess. You know what happens when you fail right? Oh you do know what happens I can tell by your face turning pink. Did you plan this? "

Bonnibel looked to the ground that was below her feet. Every time she fail at her creations Marceline got to do anything she wanted and by anything it was anything. Though if Marceline made the mistake of being late Bonnibel got to do anything. It was a bad deal between them both but at the same time it was great when it was that time of the month for both of them. Okay, yes she messed up on purpose. She had to, she had that itching feeling that could only be fixed by Marceline and she just hoped Marceline had that same feeling. 

" Well Bonnibel, the movie is about to start so we better get going. " She gave Bonnibel a kiss on the head as they flew out the window. Marceline was a really great flier with Bonnibel, she practiced every day to make sure she didn't scare the one she loved. Plus she held her pink little toy so softly that sometimes she forgets that she had her with her. Yet Bonnibel was a talker, which always reminded Marceline that they were together. She could listen to her for hours on in, about the test she has been doing, the way Finn was bugging her yet again. Every time she spoke Marceline couldn't help but smile and wish time would stop for just the two of them.

" Marceline? We past our spot. "

" What? "

" We did. " Bonnibel pointed to the flat candy tree that they sat at when they were going on a date. It had small candles around it to signal for something. One of Bonnibel's eyebrows rose up. " What did you have planned ? "

This time Marceline didn't speak she turned around and placed her on the top of the tree. She stuck her hand in Bonnibel's hair. You might think that since she part bubblegum that her hair would be overly sticky. Well it use to be and Bonniebel was the only one who could change that. She was able to make a potion that made her hair become normal human hair.

" M-Marceline? " Bonnibel's face was a bright red for Marceline had been kissing her down her neck to reach to the part of Bonnibel's breast. A soft laugh came from Marceline's lips as she picked Bonnibel up and sat her on her lap. She moved her hands under Bonniebel's dress, tracing her legs oh so softly.

" Bonni, "

" Y-yes? "

" Your mine. "

bahaha I'm such a butt! You guys have to wait for the juicy stuff in chapter 2! Let me know what you think!

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