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Bonnibel felt her face grew warm as Marcy traced her half naked body. She couldn't believe that Marcy was planning on doing this out in the open. Yet at the same time it gave Bonni the fear of doing something that her candy people will disapprove. She felt Marcy blow warm air on her which caused her body to left in the air quickly. " M-marcy. " she said her name quietly only enough for her lover to hear it. Just as Marcy was about to kiss her again Bonni heard a laugh that she knew way to well.

She pushed herself up almost hitting heads with Marcy. Grabbing her clothes that she took off she placed them on quickly just as the two demons walked up.

" What do you mean but the stairs? "

" If you go underneath them there is a secret door. "

Bonni looked at Marcy to see her fangs showing, " Marcy...." she knew that her girlfriend planned this for awhile and know there were things getting in her way. Placing her hands on Marcy's should she gave them a small squeeze as if say she was sorry.She watched as Marcy flew off the top of the tree and stand in front of Finn and his dog.

" Are you lost or something? " she spat at them. Making Jake jump away and leaving Finn by himself.

" Hey Marceline! Nah we are lost, we're going to visit LSP. "

" Well change of plain boys. I heard that Lady was sick." She looked over at Jake and saw terror go across his face. " I guess for some odd reason she's missing a lot of blood. " She smiled when she saw Jake turn around grabbing Finn with him. Flying back up she sat in front of Bonni giving a small smile.

"Why did you lie like that Marcy?"

Marceline frowned, she lied so they could be alone. Couldn't Bonnibel see that? She let out a sigh " I did it because ... "

"I know." Bonni grabbed Marceline's hand and gave it a squeeze. She didn't know what to do. Go back to what they were doing or just go there seprate ways. She looked up at Marcy and placed her other hand behind her head, pulling her end for a kiss. As they kissed she felt Marcy pick her up, she knew it was time for them to leave each others sides. Half of the Candy Kingdom were about to wake up and Marcy had to go home before the sun popped out.

Bonnibel turned around and stared at Marcy as she floated at the edge of her window. Getting one more kiss before they left each other she gave a small laugh. Which caused Marcy to ask what she was laughing at. " Every time we get so close to each other something is always in our way. " She smiled at the end and then quickly pointed at the time to Marcy. Saying the good-byes Bonni went to bed getting at least a couple minutes of rest before working and wondering if Marcy made it in time.


God this was crap /:

Bonnibel x MarcelineWhere stories live. Discover now