Forget me Not

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It was well past midnight but the stream of people partying in the club keep coming. It was only Beam's free time and his friends has been nagging him to join them in the club to catch up with each other. Since they graduated 5 years ago and had become  professional practitioner, they barely see each other since they work in different hospital. 

With Beam specializing in neurosurgeon, he is currently working in a university hospital. Phana is working on his family hospital as a cardiac surgeon, and Kit is in the same hospital working as a pediatrician. Beam is working in a university because he is still completing his study to specialize in Neuro-oncology, the study and treatment of cancer.

They were in the club for about 3 hours now and the two guys with Beam are already plastered after drinking 3 buckets of beer. He's the only one sober in the group, not really drinking from the bucket but instead opting at drinking ladies cocktail. Somehow,  Beam would like to go home with his consciousness intact.

"When I ask you to go out with us, what I mean is you get wasted with us!!" Kit slurred out.

Beam just chuckled and lift his glass to Kit's direction. Phana grunted as he said, "It's not like he's forbidding you to get drunk anyway."

Beam laughed, "No, he doesn't! But I prefer doing IT sober." He replied, sending a wink to Phana.

Kit and Phana cringed and made a puking face. Beam was showered with nuts as he giggled loudly. He put down his glass on the table and got up.

"And because of that, I'm gonna call him." He said before going to the comfort room.

"Ugh! Why are you calling your booty call when it's the guys night out?! " Kit shouted.

Beam send them a flying kiss as he disappeared in the corner.

"Boo!! "


Beam pressed his speed dial and tried waiting for the other side to pick up. After 4 missed call, Beam starts to wonder what made the other side not answer. Beam sighed as he looked for a name on his contact that might know something.

"Lam, are you with him?" Beam asked with pausing for a greeting.

"Good evening to you too and yes he's with me. We're also out drinking." Lam answered.

"Where are you?"

"Oh good, you're coming. We're at the Nitro club across from where you're at according to this drunk." Lam said with a relief on his tone.

"He's drunk?" Beam was bewildered.

"Yeah and you should probably collect this guy." Lam answered.


"I think you two have enough drinks to last a month." Beam said when he returned to where he left Phana and Kit, "I need to go first, guys."

"Going home already?" Phana whined.

"Nope." Beam said with a pop.

"Where are you going then?" Kit asked.

"Booty call" Beam grinned as he waved his phone, "Don't worry. I already called your boyfriends to fetch you two."


Beam arrived at Nitro a few minutes after. He just walked since it's just on the same block. He easily got in with his gold card serving as a quick pass to the club.

Forget me Not (A ForthBeam One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now