Life is not fair

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I walk down stair to see Mellow Mushroom sitting on the table. Pizza for my brother,my mom, and dad. A hoagie for me.

We eat while my dad takes a look at my school fundraiser. He picks 2 magazines he likes. I'm done. I put my plate in the dishwasher and I hear my mom yell "TAKE THIS UPSTAIRS! AND THIS TO!"

I politely say "yes ma'am" and I take my sleeping bag and a zebra print bag upstairs. I come back down and I see my brother tearing up my catalog.

"NO! I have to use that to show".. "STOP SCREAMING AT EACHOTHER JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE HIM ALONE KALLIE!" I hear my mom say. "BUT.." "NO" my mom says again.

I sit there just staining at my dad on his phone. "KALLIE!" my mom says again. "Yes". "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO TAKS YOUR STUFF UPSTAIRS!" I let out a little sigh. Then my dad screams "DONT LOOK AT YOUR MOTHER TGAT WAY!" I smile. "DONT LOOK AT HER LIKE THAT!" I finally walk away and take the stuff and on my way I run into a wall because I am so mad. In the background I hear my dad making fun of me.


I go and take a bath trying not to worry about my wisdom teeth surgery in a couple of days. Life is so unfair I think to myself.

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