Who's gonna carry you home? Pt.2

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•Who's gonna carry you home?•

Blaine raised his head and opened his eyes to meet Liv's when he realised her sobbing had calmed to out of time breathing,
"Are you okay?" He bit his lip awkwardly as his hand retreated from her leg, "I crossed the line and my stupid mouth just doesn't know when to stop moving sometimes. A blessing and a curse I guess."

"Blaine shut up its fine; I needed to hear it...even if I didn't particularly want to." She flashes him a weak excuse for a smile as he seems to study her face a little too intently for her liking.
She sniffles and he stands.
He reaches and grabs a grey box of tissues from his desk, handing it out to her with a grin.

"Is it too late to offer you one of these?" He coined the question in a tone he hadn't found himself speaking in a lot lately. As he said it he noted how, for once, he sounded like himself. And despite herself, Liv laughed in a way that could've stopped Blaine's heart.

"No, thank you," Liv spoke as she tugged a tissue from the cardboard prison it was held in and brought it to her face, hoping to blot away the red puffiness she worried had begun to stem from the inner corners of her eyes. In this situation, Blaine didn't really know what to do but he settled for leaning back against his desk and watching her awkwardly, his eyes spinning off to other sections of the room he pretended to be fascinated with when he felt he'd stared at her too long. The liquor cabinet, which seemed redundant when he had a bar full of alcohol at his disposal right outside the door it stood next to. The big, raven coloured, wooden bookshelf which held more trinkets than books. A small globe with a painted gold base sat on the shelf he was at eye length with. Of course, he'd seen it before - every time he walked in the room, then every time he walked out again - but he gazed as though it was a new feature, as though there was something spectacular about the tacky piece that only his eye could see.

When Liv had finished patting down her face with the plush paper the air around them seemed to still and the room felt soul-crushingly awkward. What does one say in this situation? Liv's sobbing seemed to bring about a newly found sobriety and it had finally dawned on her just who she was crying to. How had she been so oblivious? She thought, he's toying with me, I bet he wanted to laugh as he watched me cry. Creep. Though, she digressed, he did seem strangely sincere - and the way he looks, it's not normal.

"Blaine?" She spoke up finally, her voice loud in the quiet room; she cringed. His eyes trailed back to her from the globe as he hummed a quick "hmm?"

"Have you, erm, been sleeping?" The question was asked in a hesitant voice, one that made it clear she wasn't sure she should be asking.

His face contorted into an expression she didn't quite understand, was he offended? Or annoyed to be caught out on his poor habits?
He reluctantly, after thinking for a while too long muttered, "I was asleep before you got here, I mean I didn't intend on sleeping but, judging by the fact Don E shook me awake I'd say I was out cold. So yes, I have been sleeping Liv." He repeated her words with a hint of bitterness that suggested he wasn't giving her the entire truth.

"...And eating?" She continued with a knowing look.

"You're not my shrink Liv, in fact, tonight I'd say it's been more like I'm yours." He shrugged off the question in annoyance.

"Blaine, there's a chance you look worse than I do right now and that's saying something. What happened?"

"What is it I said about you not being my shrink? Besides, you know what happened, everyone in this world knows what happened Liv." He pushes himself up from the desk so he's stood straight.

"What, your dad?" She laughed in a way that sounded harsher than she's intended, almost mocking, though surely he couldn't blame her. Angus McDonough was in fact evil. Why would he mourn him?

"No, I'm upset over Chase Graves, what do you think Liv?" He hissed sarcastically, defensively.

"Blaine you can't seriously be in this state over Angus, judging by what I've heard he was one hell of a shitty person and an even shitter father."

Blaine rolled his eyes; sure he was shitty, no one could deny that, but after all, he was still Blaine's dad. He had spent his time of insanity trying to make things up to his son. Granted, it took brains raining down from heaven for him to feel remorse - but he felt it. Blaine didn't doubt that and that's exactly what ate him up inside. The same 'miracle' that brought him a somewhat caring father figure is also the one that sent him to his death. And Blaine? He was the catalyst, no, he was more than that, he was the cause. At least in his mind, he had caused his father's downfall.

"You can't be losing sleep over him, and what is starving yourself going to slove? Do you really think it'll bring him back?" She scrunched her face up in confusion, an expression Blaine would've found cute if he wasn't so caught up in his annoyance.

"You don't get it Liv, " He snapped, "I killed him, he died because of me, me Liv." He poked himself in the chest to put emphasis on his statement.

"He died because of his own delusions Blaine, and even if this was somehow your fault, don't think for a second he didn't deserve it." Liv tried to reassure him as best she could, of all the people you've killed, this is the one you decide to grow a conscience for? She questioned in her mind, partly irritated, partly worried.

"Delusions I caused, I just, I ruin everything, don't I? He finally cared about me and I sentenced him to death. Why did I have to fuck this up?" It was clear he was getting more distressed than Olivia would have liked as he swung his hands in varying directions as he spoke.

"Blaine, it took believing you were some sort of 'zombie Jesus' for him to care about you, he didn't feel guilty, he was a monster and don't you dare think otherwise for another second. The world is better off without him, we all are."

He sniffled, biting back tears as he looked at her. So determined to prove him wrong, like always, but this time it was for his own wellbeing. Her jaw was clenched as she stared at him, refusing to look away, trying to show him how serious he was. She prayed he'd crack under the pressure of her gaze, and he did.

He cast his own gaze down to the floor, biting at his lip as he rubbed his arm, "I guess, I mean..."

Olivia saw an opportunity so she stood, catching his arm just below his shoulder in her right hand, squeezing softly, "Blaine, " she whispered just loud enough to draw his eyes up from the ground. However, as he looked at her his breath caught in his throat because, just two inches away from him Liv's wide, curious eyes burned into his own, glistening with a look of worry he never thought he'd get to see from that face. A look he swore he didn't deserve.

"Liv." He replied, his pulse racing as he watched her and he swore if he'd have paid more attention he would've felt his pupils blow up in size as he glanced down at her lips. As he opened his mouth to speak nothing but a heavy breath came out, his eyes flickering across her face.

Whatever it was he felt building in the pit of his stomach she seemed to feel too as her eye movements almost mirrored his own. With a shaky breath, she leaned in and the last thought that crossed Blaine's mind before their lips met was that there was only one possible way this could be happening - when Don E walked into his office earlier in the day, he couldn't have woken him up.

A/N~ This is meant to be a short one shot but the more I write, the more I want to write.

I might do another part to this but I kind of like this ending.

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