AU #2: De-aging pt. 4

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I know I said the other would be the last but the rainy like weather over where I live gave me an idea to do. Obviously most little kids don't like storms. Space storms, the way I imagine them, is even worse. So  this chapter will be about little Vito and your adorable little character experiencing a space storm, of course, as little children, who are likely to get scared by it and thus will need comfort.

This will be the last chapter (for sure this time) like this unless you all have any suggestions of more scenarios to do with this.


Scenario for me:
One moment it was peaceful, then the ship rocked violently, Tullk (or Martinex for Stakar) came over the coms informing everyone they had encountered a space storm thus it was suggested to stay in the rooms or somewhere equally as safe until it passed and that dinner would be handed out so rookies didn't have a long night of cleaning food up. Yondu/Kraglin/Stakar was wandering the halls to ensure everyone was at least somewhere stable, as his job required, and finally he reached where they figured h'd be until after the storm. He sighed and opened the door to Vito's room almost panicking when he wasn't in sight, until he heard whimpering and muffled little cries and sniffles from under the bed. He sighed again but approached and..... 

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