It was a normal day for Lyla, she went to college, came home, had lunch and spent the afternoon playing with the white owl That lives nearby.
Lyla (pvo)
"I'm home," I say, as I walk through the garden gates the most lovely owl jer Flys down to meet me
"well someone misses me didn't they, " I say with a smile and he starts to fly around me a bit lands on my shoulder.
"Jer you know you're not allowed to come near me at daytime, Sarah gets pissy when I bring you around, oh but you don't care do you-you beautiful bird(at that moment he pecked me)
oh garden me kind sir your not beautiful your handsome"
I say as he puffs up looking like a ball of feathers, I giggle and bring him to my small part of the garden for a while to just sit and swing on the garden swing.Time skip bought to you by this awful writer
I sat there with her for a while till I heard Sarah coming "oh quick jer up into the tree you go" I say and quickly
Stand up to go see her "oh Lyla there you are I may have said yes to someone again and need you to go( its been like this forever I'm always picking up the pieces for her she gets asked out by a guy she comes running to me to sort it out when she says yes, she breaks something she expects me to miraculously fix it, and the list goes on she never takes responsibility and because I'm eldest I'm the scrape goat and if I don't do it its hell on earth with her annoying temper)
She says, I sigh and turn around to look at her
" you do realise that I just got home and can't go out right ill do it tomorrow," I say." fine but come help me practice the lines in the labyrinth," Sarah says as she pouts for not getting her way right away.
Time skip because I forgot the lines and can't be bothered to sketch it up
"Oh I never remember that last line "
Sarah says in a depressed manor
"It's okay not everyone can" i say, as we walk into the house and see the parents are going out.
Sarah's older sister
Romantikwell it's a labaranth fAnfiction of a older sister that's so done with her shit