Episode 5

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Dad:last time we did a white water rafting race and the rapid have everyone a thrill except for Anthony who ended up leaving because of trust issues

Dad on loud speaker:here is your clue this time
(David gives pizza to everyone)
Nick:oh momma Mia
Kyle:Italy I love Italy it's a cool place
Keira:hmm lets see I got it Italy
Zach:hmm maybe I'll get to meet Mario or even better Luigi
End confessional

Dad:hello everyone
Dice there r 8 teams u get the choice of 8 Mario characters
(Mario,Luigi,peach,daisy,wario,Yoshi,waluigi and bowser)
Dad:we will go in order of who won
Keira:we will take daisy
Thomas:we got waluigi
Bengie:it's ah me Mario
Nick:fine we choose peach
Julia:so either a fat loser or an evil person that always loses
Luke:let's take bowser it seems lucky
Christian:he is on Mario bros wii a game I enjoy
Julia:come on Joel don't try to be an expert on everything
Joven:I guess we get wario
Ian:oh if only lazercorn was here
Dad:I call this the spice is right
Emma u:did u say spices
(Emma u throws up)
Emma u:ok so maybe special cry foods are not my thing and they should be burned by the crisp but I'm still a team player team superior all the way to third place again
End confessional
Emma:did u have breakfast
Emma u:nope
Dad:anyway first person cuts the hottest pepper than put it in the stew then once that is done the next person does the cha cha next person goes in a tanning machine and a f u get tan enough you go get a bowl and put the stew in it and the next person does the tango
And the final person has to chug the salsa and the final person has to do the salsa and after that everyone has to rush to the finish line
Dad:each team has a skip where u skip a part and a power up where each team has something special of your character
Zach:I have a question
Dad:do u really think I care? go!
Zach:ok so...
(Zach tries to grab the knife)
Zach:I can't grab them with this costume on
Dad:yep that will be a challenge
Keira and nick:well we have princess gloves
(Keira and nick cut the pepper perfectly)
Taylor:my turn
(Taylor does the cha cha)
(Colin fails and has to do it again)
Nick:ok that done we r still ahead of most teams
End confessional
(Zach grabs the knife with his teeth)
Miles:we have yoshi
So let's use our power up
(Miles grabs a bag that says power up and uses it and now his tongue can be used as a hand
(Zach and miles finish)

Alec:time to get my tan on

Luke:I just used the claws of bowser

Louis:hey Taylor isn't it supposed to be 5 minutes
Drew:5 minutes Keira set it to 10
All:oh no lets go

(Kyle and Colin complete the cha cha)
(Ethan and Julia fail)
Jack:let's win this stupid challenge remember 5 minutes

Hugh:don't worry i will beat him
Jack:no u will not

(Jack and Hugh go in)

(Keira guarding the tanning booth)
Taylor:Keira move out of the way
Keira:how about.....no😡😡😡
(Keira head butts Taylor and knocks him out)
Louis:Keira we need to get Alec out of there
(Keira has Louis in a head look while Drew runs past them and tries to open it)
Keira:u idiots it won't open until the ten minutes are up
Drew:well it's 5 minutes
(Keira runs toward him but Louis stops her and she spins him around and pins him to the ground)
Keira:u Louis stay down
Louis:yes sir
Louis:y-y-yes ma'am
Keira:that's better
(Keira happily walks away)
Drew:Keira can be scary sometimes
End confessional

Joven:since wario can cut onion he can cut that pepper
(Team YouTube finishes)
(Ian attempts it)

Bengie:let's just skip
(Camilla completes cha cha)
Bella:5 minutes ok

(Ethan and Julia and Ian complete it)
Alex:5 minutes hmm I have an idea

Nick:let's move

Team royals
Christine:Thomas u know what to do
(Thomas finishes it as super Thomas)

Dad:all teams done with first half

Jack:finally done
Olivia:move jack move

Pewdiepie:ok bros only 5 minutes

Joel:this is going to be painful it has to be 5 minutes it is a long time
Julia:don't be a crybaby

Alex:there we go
(He put 10 minutes on team royals box)
Alex:goodbye toasted royals let's see u superhero your way out of this one

Team Keira rules the world
Alec:ahhhh I'm burned
Keira:yeah about that heh heh
Louis:Keira misread it and it was 5 minutes
Alec:no it's not Keira fault drew must have done this
(Drew complete the tango)
(Olivia completes tango)
(Obrey completes tango)

Keira:Louis u drink that soup
Hugh:nick we need to win
Kyle:Emma u u got this

(Nick and Louis finish at the same time)
(Keira and Colin knock into each other)
(Emma u finishes and Emma does the salsa)
Dad:team superior finally is victorious
Second:Keira rules the world
Third:down in the dumps
Thomas:let's use our skip on tanning booth we r in last
Maddie:yes done with tango
Steven I'm fine with spices 
Joven: I always eat spices as a punishment still Matt sohinki
Would love this
Dad:4th team YouTube
Steven:hot hot hot need need milk please
Dad:5th team royals
Bella:oh how did we get lost
Dad:6th team historic
Ethan and Ryan m race to eat it Ryan m:done
(Luke slips)
Luke:ahh my leg
Christian:Luke u can worry about that later
Luke:ah ah
Dad:team bone 7th and last place team explosive

At elimination
Dad:Julia Shawn Joel Ryan m
Dad:Luke for losing the challenge and Christian for being annoying to Luke during the challenge
Christian:it was motivational
Dad:that is why your safe
Luke:ahh really fine I'll stay here

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