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I was supposed to post this on January 2nd but something came out and I have to stay home for a little longer and won't be back in school till the 3rd so anyway I'll post constantly then but here's one chapter for now.

Three years ago

"We did it, bro! We graduated!" Kirishima slapped Bakugou on the back, grinning from ear to ear.
"Thank god. This has been the longest three years of my life." Bakugou sighed, sitting down on the side steps of the school. Kirishima had lead Bakugou out here after the ceremony to "hang out".
But he had plans that were more important than just hanging out.
"What are you planning on doing after this?"
"Probably gonna go to the skate park and laugh at little kids when they fall over."
"I meant in general." Kirishima laughed. "I meant with your life."
"I applied to work at Best Jeanist's agency and they said I could join, so I guess I'm going there."
"But you HATED your work placement there." Kirishima pointed out.
"Yeah, but he's the highest level hero that would take me in." Bakugou shrugged. "And besides, I'll only have to work there for a few years. By then I'll be big enough to start my own agency like I wanted."
Kirishima smiled. "It's manly how you've figured everything out like that."
"What about you? Still thinking about working for Fatgum?"
"Yeah. I liked working for him and Tamaki is already there so it'd be great to be the three of us again, you know?" Kirishima shrugged. "We're probably not gonna see each other much after this, huh?"
"We might be called onto the same jobs every once in a while."
"Yeah but...make sure you call me as much as you can. I don't wanna loose touch with my best bro just because we work in different areas."
Kirishima was getting anxious. He still hasn't said what he wanted to say and he couldn't find an opening to say it.
"I'll try." Bakugou leaned back on his elbows.
Kirishima sat down beside him, swallowing as he leaned forward enough that Bakugou wouldn't notice.
"Yeah, shitty hair?"
"What? Speak slower idiot. I've got bad ears."
"Is that why you're so...EARritable?"
"Shut the fuck up and repeat what you said...but slow."
"I said," Kirishima took a deep breath, "that I've liked you since first year."
"No shit. We're friends aren't we?"
"No...I mean..." Kirishima could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had tried to do this so many times over the last three years, but every time he chickened out or Bakugou just didn't get the point.
He leaned forward more and more until his lips landed on Bakugou's.
The blond pulled away before he could even start kissing.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
" kiss you...?"
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Bakugou rocketed to his feet, anger chiselled into his features.
This had been a big mistake.
"I'm sorry...forget it happened."
"Forget it happened? Fuck, dude, I thought we were friends!"
"We ARE friends."
"No, because clearly you want something else out of this, and I will NOT give it to you."
Kirishima felt tears stinging his eyes but he held them back. "Bro, please, just forget about what happened. We can still be friends."
"Don't talk to me outside of work shit ever again."
"Fuck off." The blond turned and stormed off back into the school, leaving Kirishima a sobbing mess on the side steps.

I know I said survival AU but I had more ideas for this fic and was originally going to do it first before the survival one but then I forgot about it so anyway here it is. Amnosia AU.

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