Chapter Four

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Warning: Death is a serious topic. I would not want anyone to die or kill themselves, I am purely using it for a story, please do not take this seriously. This may be bad for people with depressed or suicidal thoughts as it describes death. Please visit a therapist or talk to someone if you are depressed or suicidal. This example is not suicide, I just understand that people can mistake it, considering she is not happy. But I swear to God if someone types, "man I want to die, it seems cool", I'll be pissed. I think it can be a joke, but I'm sure some people are serious in thinking it's something amazing that they want to have. I think difficult obstacles can help you, but I don't think you should be wishing for something like this. Idk anymore

She stood at the rooftop of the tall building. The windy breeze was enjoyable and she could see countless other buildings and a beautiful blue sky. Looking down, she could make out people, though they merely looked like dots of color from up there.

The cars and their flashing red lights drove by, the world would always go on without her. The heights no longer scared her. She turned away, though still close to the edge.

Her shirt was bloody, one gunshot in the shoulder and another near her heart, the men were knocked out and the police had been taking them away and examining the crime.

Her mission was successful.

She walked backward until there was nothing left to walk on. She fell. [Y/N] was going to die either way. Throughout her lifetime she had tested many ways of death. Though falling was her favorite.

She could completely let go, all her thoughts and worries disappeared. It's quick. The cells burst, there's a pain in her head, the skull shatters, her entire body stops. She can still feel the intense pain, but she will be reborn the same.


Bakugou was drenched in sweat. He created the hugest of explosions, destroying the building completely. The base of villains were ruined. Though the villains fled, him and the other chased them and capture them. Adrenaline filled his body, it only made him stronger. The explosions are bright and beautiful.

Bakugou and a team of other heroes have captured everyone and Bakugou smiles. Believing he is a great hero.

Fans begin to cheer and he's surprised there are so many people around such a dangerous place.

"It must be nice to be a number two hero." A colleague states.

Bakugou grits his teeth. He can't believe that Midoriya was better than him, but he had grown past the hate. In a way, they were friends.

He began to sign autographs, and a few girls hugged his dirty sweaty body, which he found weird. He was absolutely exhausted and needed a shower.

Among the crowd, he spots a girl, the same annoying girl.

"What, are you a fan of mine now?" He asks, staring intensely at [Y/N].

"You are really sweaty, though surprisingly you don't smell."

"Of course not. It's like nitroglycerin. It smells quite nice, which I suppose is great for me."

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