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Thirty minutes earlier...


The snow under my feet was extra cold today, as a small shiver traveled down my spine. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but today seemed to be colder than normal.

I looked over at Elvira, who was riding a white horse just a few feet away. I internally scowled, as a sudden sharp pain shot through my leg. I winced.

"You okay?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and saw Pieck walk up beside me, looking as tired and worn out as ever. I have no clue how she convinced Zeke for her to join the patrol, but somehow she did. Although I knew deep down that she was his favourite.

"Oh, Pieck" I replied. "Yeah....I'm fine. Just a little sore."

She gave me a 'really' look, and I sighed a little. No lie I ever told got past her.

"How's your leg?" she asked with a knowing smirk. I frown playfully.

"It's manageable" I replied. "Besides, I should be the one asking you that."

Pieck chuckled a little, looking down at her left leg. Because of the sword wound she received during a battle, she was out of commission for nearly two months. She could barely walk, yet alone stand up straight. In other words, it was still surprising to she her back in the mix of things.

"It healed awhile ago, Annie" she smiled at me, giving me a friendly nudge with her elbow. "What, you jealous I'm back in action?"

For the first time in a while, a small laugh escaped my mouth. "Not at all, Pieck."

I got worried when her smiled suddenly faded, and she looked at me with concerned eyes; the same look the others have been giving me for over six months.

"Did you sleep well last night?" she asked me.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You're lying."

"Wha? No I'm not...."

"Annie, you are literally the worst liar in the North" she spat sarcastically at me. "You have massive bags under your eyes and if you were walking the same pace you always do, you wouldn't be talking to me right now."

My eyes widened, then I released another sigh. Indeed, no lie I ever told fooled her. She could call out my lies before I even say them.

Pieck put a hand on my shoulder blade. "You had another dream about her, didn't you?"

Bingo. As right as ever, Pieck. I found myself balling my fists, my fingernails digging into my palm.

"I can't stop thinking about her" I said honestly, lowering my voice. "I can't just......turn off my memories of her and forget her, no matter how much Elvira orders me too" I growled while saying her name, which I always do. "Everyday and every night.....I see her....think about her....and I..."

I felt Pieck rub my shoulder soothingly. I saw her face and it didn't show judgement, surprise, annoyance, which were the looks almost everyone else would give me. Her face was caring, understanding.

"I miss her, Pieck" I whispered. "I really miss her."

I squinted my eyes, trying to pull back the tears wanting to flow out of them. I am not going to cry, not now. I had my fair share of it too much already.

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