Happy New year!
I planned this so I would put it out on new years
So thanks everyone. This journey has been a great one. I've been happy with all of you with me and with me is 61.
Yes! I know I didn't celebrate 50 (I forgot)
But really I'm spending my time doing a 1000 piece puzzle MUSICAL 1000 PIECE PUZZLE and I hope for someday I could do that puzzle again but with 1000 of you.
To me you are all special you help me take the baby steps I need to move forward.(Vines incoming)
Joan: Did you make a resolution list?
Thomas: Yeah! *Showes list*
°Make a resolution list
Thomas: *Checks it off*Joan: That's way more then last year!
Thomas: Uh Oh! What's this!? 2018 has evolved into 2019! Or devolved we don't know yet