New Years

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(Center Of Attention) (also, center of attention is a story with half people/animal hybrid things, Noah being cat.)
Jason's POV

Me and Noah have been together for five years now. He's happier than he's ever been.

"Come on Jason, my parents are waiting!" Noah said, shoving his phone into his back pocket and walking towards our door of the hotel.

"Yeah, you go ahead, I'll be down in a sec." I chuckle, kissing his head. "I love you." I mutter, making him laugh.

"I love you too, don't be to long or else we'll leave without you." He laughs, skipping out of the room.

I sigh, checking that I have everything before walking it of the hotel room and joining everyone down in the lobby.

"Hello, Jason." Noah's mom said, smiling while holding Tanya, her four year old daughter.

"Hello." I smile, waving at Tanya as she makes spit bubbles. She reaches out towards me, urging me to grab her.

"J-jaswon!" She babbles, making me smile.

"Hello Tanya." I say, making her giggle. Noah walks over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I still think it's funny that she like you more than she like me." He sighs, laying his head on my shoulder. He's been going through a growth spurt, now stands up to about my nose.

"Nah, She love you, baby." I say, kissing him.

"Alright," Ryan walks into the lobby with his girlfriend, Alex, and their son, Rey. "If we wanna get to the party on time we better get going." He claps his hands, kissing Alex's cheek.

"Yeah, if we wanna meet your father and them at the cabin, we better get going." Miss parks says, grabbing her small bag and walking outside where her new husband is waiting, loading up the car.

"C'mon babe." Noah smiles, kissing me. He's been a lot more open with affection lately, even though it's been five years. Not that I'm complaining.

"Yeah, alright." I say as he takes Tanya from me, making her babble and make grabby hands for me. I sigh.

"You go ahead, babe." Ryan says to Alex, "I need to talk with Jason for a second." He smiles, making her nod and catch up with Noah.

"You sure you ready for this?" Ryan asks, raising a brow. "This is kinda a big deal."

"I've been ready for the past four years." I say, running a hand over the small box in my back pocket. "This is the next step. We've been together for five years, lived together for two.." I sigh, looking down. "But I'm not sure of this is too early for him. I mean," I look at Ryan, biting my lip. "he's just started being more intimate with this to soon?" I ask.

"Jason, love isn't all about sex and touches." He says. "I mean, me and Alex kinda started off early, having Rey and all, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you." He smiles. He punches my shoulder lightly, laughing. "He loves you, trust me. Yeah, you guys got a few rough spots in the past, but that's because he was an angsty teen. He still is sometimes." He laughs, I smile, thinking about how he sometimes doesn't want to leave the bed. I always stay home from work and cuddle with him on those days...

"Yeah, you're right." I say, looking up at him. "Thanks."

"It's no problem. Now come on before everyone get mad." He says, taking Tanya from me.

I smile, walking out of the hotel and making my way towards Noah's car.


"Noah!" Janet, Noah's six year old sister yells, running towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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