Touma says no

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Touma sat in his office checking over some files as he noticed Tsurugi Kamiya on the security camera playfully talking to someone. The vice president of C3 raised an eyebrow as he saw who the younger raven haired man was talking to. "Alicien Mikuni?" He whispered softly to him self getting to his feet. Taishi Touma knew Mikuni and Tsurugi's relationship was strained at best,and at times had hurt each other. Today Touma was not in any mood to deal with Tsurugi getting hurt,or having to clean up Mikuni's body if it ended with his Ace killing the cowboy wannabe.

   Touma made his way down the hallway to where the two were hoping he would arrive in time before either got hurt or killed. As he arrived he saw Mikuni leaning against a wall as Tsurugi spoke to him. "What's going on here Tsurugi?" Touma asked in a cold emotionless voice almost glaring at the two. "T-Touma~san!" Tsurugi stared at the taller man in shock not knowing he was working today. "Hey vice president Touma..."Mikuni said calmly in almost a sigh. "If you are here to pick a fight with Ace I will have to ask you to leave Alicien Mikuni. He has an important mission later today and he will be useless if hurt." Touma said looking at the blond.

  "I ain't here to hurt your ace! But he has a mission later today. Too bad,I was going to take him out to dinner." Mikuni stated with a smirk. "Take him out...?"Touma asked looking at the two questioningly. "Eh...well,I ,uh, we kind of are..." Tsurugi looked down kicking the ground playfully like a nervous schoolboy. "We are dating now." Mikuni said calmly looking at the older man. Touma's eyes widened then looked at Tsurugi as if to ask him if what he heard was true. Tsurugi silently nodded still looking at the ground.

   "No." Touma said firmly. "I'm sorry what?"Mikuni asked looking at Touma. "I said no. You two are not dating. I will not allow it. Tsurugi get back to your room. You have work to do soon and you need rest. Mikuni leave." Touma stated glaring at them. Tsurugi's golden eyes widened then filled with tears. "But Touma~san..." "I said no! Now get to your room Tsurugi." Touma scolded him making the younger raven haired man cower to his room fling himself on his bed and start crying. Touma then looked at Mikuni. "And I don't want to see you around him again." He said in almost a threatening tone, making sure Mikuni noticed his right hand was brushing against the gun he carried as he walked away.

   Mikuni was furious and heart broken. He knew how much Tsurugi followed and obeyed Touma. The man had basically brainwashed him into doing whatever he said,which meant, Tsurugi will now not date him. He wanted to strangle Touma, he wanted to have JeJe shoot him. Mikuni didn't know what to do and sadly walked back to his antique shop unsure what to do for now.

Later that day.

Mikuni leaned back in his chair at the antique shop. His hat covered his face and his feet kicked up on the desk as he took an afternoon nap. As he rested he heard the shop door open and someone walk in. Looking up his hat dropped to the floor and the blond gasped. Nothing could of ever prepared him for who had just walked into his shop.

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