Chapter 5: On The Edge

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 "Your eyes are a reflection of your spirit."

I only have a moment to prepare myself before Jasper quite literally launches himself over the countertop and tackles Chace.

Growls fill the air. I become glued to my seat at the sight of the half shifted men in front of me tearing at each other. It's horrific.

Chace is fighting Jasper off in a calculated manner whereas Jasper is fighting on ferocious instinct. I can see it in the way his body is coiled tight with tension, and every time the two circle each other, his challenging eyes never once leave Chace's. It's like he's waiting for the right moment to go in for the kill, rather than submission.

I expect Chace to be the one to come out on top. He's been raised as an Alpha, trained brutally and has already fought so many. Then again, I know nothing about the other shifter here except that he has a troubled past and struggles to maintain control of his beast side.

Growling deep, Jasper takes a clawed jab at Chace's neck. The close call sets him off. Instantly, clothes tear and Chace shifts into his silver wolf, it's height reaching up to Jasper's chest.

To my astonishment, Jasper stays in human form, his golden eyes piercing Chace's. I'm on the edge of my seat, literally, because as much as I want to flee from the room, something is forcing me to stay put and watch their dual.

Chace snaps at Jasper's arm. Canines graze flesh. Blood is drawn. It's something I've seen happen about a dozen times, it's a warning, but still has my nerves prickling. Jasper still doesn't shift.

His golden eyes grow more luminous, the gold resembling molten color that I'm forced to look away from.

I clench my eyes shut when more popping noises resonate in the air. I don't dare check to see what's happening in fear of the grisly sight that surely awaits me.

My resistance is short lived, however. An agitated groan fills the air and my eyes immediately dart back to the scene.

I gasp at what I see. On his knees, Chace is slowly shifting back to human form, his eyes glued to Jasper's as sweat rolls down the sides of his face from resisting Jasper's dominance.

I slide off of my seat silently, barely taking a step backward when Chace suddenly sways and falls to the floor. With him out of the way, golden eyes shift to lock onto me, so intense that it feels as if the molten hue is burning holes into my skin.

I know better than to look him in the eyes.

Jasper lets out a low growl and closes the distance between us. His body comes flush with mine, and despite being human, I can feel his power and dominance looming over me. It isn't as intimidating as it is intoxicating.

I now know why it had caused Chace to pass out before it caused him to submit. Already, I'm growing lighter on my feet, though deep down, I know it's for an entirely different reason. I just don't understand yet.

A hand comes up to caress my face, tilting my head up until all I can see is Jasper's marred chest.

I suck in a breath at the sight, and the feeling of his touch.

I don't have to look at his scars for long, he tilts my chin up until I can see his face. I avert my eyes to his lips rather than risk making eye contact.

The jagged vertical scar down the center of his lips catches my attention. It hasn't changed at all since the last time I was close enough to look at it, at least appearance-wise. Now, it appeals to me on a primal level. As each second ticks by, I find myself wanting to run my tongue over the raised surface...and then over the rest of his full, masculine lips.

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