A scene in the woods

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Notes: (Y/n): Your name, (F/c): Favorite color. If you see a ⚠️ in da story then it means the L e m o a n is about to start :)) Also I tried to make the reader in this doesn't have a specific gender since I find it annoying with the lack of both gender in this fandom fics and I based this off a scene in the game itself cause I don't have much ideals ;-; anyway enjoy!~💜

You were laying on your bed in your cabin, It's been a few days of you getting to know a lot of people in this camp, You thought that it was really nice to meet new people and make friends for once since you are such an Anti-social piece of trash(jk) and you can't really get along with many people, but you precious one group of people the most though, they were: Natsumi, Keitaro, Yoichi, Hiro, And Hunter. They all share a cabin with you and day by day you get to know all of them better and your relationship grow as well, But. There was One person in the camp that you had a different feeling towards to, it was indeed Yoichi. The tough and muscular wolf boy that always made fun and flirted with you in multiple ways, you thought nothing at first but when he starts to flirt pervertedly at you for a few times, Oh how the pleasure just runs and make your body shivers. You had known that you've fallen hard for him, last time when you were doing an activity one of the Scoutmaster has given everyone, you managed to blessed your own eyes when you saw Yoichi walking around shirtless and soaked with sweats, god you actually thought you were going to die of a nosebleed at that moment, just imagine it back right now would get you very turned on. "Hey (Y/n)! What're you doing?" Suddenly, a voice interrupted your thoughts of different shit as You jumped a bit "O-oh! Natsumi, you scared me for a second there.." You said as you chuckle and smile "Oh! Sorry (Y/n) I didn't mean to scare you.." Natsumi said as he frowned and looked a bit worried like "no no! It's alright, anyway are you done with the chores? And..where's everybody?" You said looking around, no one was in the cabin except you and Natsumi "Oh, that's good then, and well not yet, I still gotta Help Scoutmaster Yoshi Prepare for another activity, and well Hunter is out reading somewhere right now, Hiro is helping Sir Aiden cook up some stuff and Keitaro is giving the new Scout a tour around right now" Natsumi explains "Ah, alright then, what about Yoichi then?" You asked as you smiled, you wanted to go to him a bit to chat "Oh, I think he's in the woods as usual" "Okie! Thanks Natsumi, Imma go to Yoichi for a bit now" You said as you stood up, brushing your (F/c) scarf before walking towards the door "Alright, Have fun (Y/n)!"
"You too Natsumi!~" you chirped before skipping out the cabin and closing the door after, you wasted no time before walking and sometimes skipping into the forest in the camp, you walked into a deeper part of the woods before you saw a ball of floof rushes straight towards you, tackling you to the ground "AH!-" you yelled as the floof turns out just to be Yuki, she started to lick your face non-stop "ahaha! C'mon girl stop!" You giggled at Yuki's adorable-ness, "Excited of meeting someone I see" a raspy voice said as you then looked towards the voice direction, it was non other then Yoichi, he had his arm crossed while looking at you two, Yuki finally got off you as you sat up "What're you doing following me in the woods again?" Yoichi said still looking at you "well, I felt bored so I wanted to see you" You said as you smile, blushing slightly "oh~, so you wanted to see me to have some fun huh?" He teases you while smirking as well "hah?!— well Not in that way.." you said kind of embarrassed from the sudden flirt from him "Oh please, I know you day dream about me all the time when you're alone, and I haven't even mention last time you kept staring at my bod when I had my shirt off, you were really thirsty huh?" He kept grinning, 'shit! Does he know?!' You panick in your mind as your face went a bright red "No I don't and I didn't!" You yelled at him "Oh yeah?! Well why did the last time you masturbate I heard my name being moan out?" He said laughing a bit deeply, your face went full red but is also pale, 'fuck...he knows..' there's no way of you denying it now, you know it was pointless "Oh my god! You should see how red your face is right now" Yoichi laughed, you were stunned, you tried to keep it a secret this whole time and yet you failed badly,
but suddenly Yoichi walked closer to you "I can teach you how to masturbate in the right way~, besides, you do owe me a little something after all this time making me hard" he whispered, it shivers right down to your spine as your eyes widened, your face was heating up a lot, and it wasn't the only thing heating up.. Yoichi then unbuckle his belt and slowly slid his pants down, Revealing his thick cock, you gasp quietly under your breath "like what you see?~" he purred into your neck as you shivers again, "come on, this dick ain't gonna jerk itself off" he said before grabbing your arm, you jumped as you watch Yoichi, he then made you grab onto his hard throbbing penis, you couldn't believe this was happening, you could feel the heat of his massive dick waiting for you to massage it, "now, I like it rough so you better grab onto it tightly, let me handle the rest and show you how you Really enjoy yourself." You did as Yoichi told you, you grab onto him tightly as he then moved your arm slowly up and down his shaft, he groaned when you reached the bottom, you could feel his un-shave hair rubbing against your knuckles, you breath heavily as you hear him groaning and moaning deeply in the most raspy and hottest way possible, he then moved your arm getting faster and faster "Nghn! Oh fuck yeah..." he continued to groan, you then saw a bit of precum on his member as it helped your tight hand around his dick to move even faster then before, "Argh...fucking damn (Y/n)...", "AHHh! Fuck (Y/n)!!" it wasn't long before Yoichi grunted loudly before squirting his cum all over your arm, and on the ground. You were trembling, your legs shaking with pleasure just from hearing all those noises he had made "That. Was. fucking awesome, you really got the hang of it there. But looks like I'm not the only one excited.." Yoichi purred as his deep purple eyes rotated towards your shaking leg, he eyed between your legs "Alright, you have been obeying a lot, so you deserve a treat~" Yoichi said before taking off his shirt, you couldn't help but stare at his well-build chest and abs, he was really muscular and that's one of the reasons why you were so attractive to him "Heh, look at you drooling over me, it's adorable really." Yoichi said before suddenly pulled down your pants, you yelped and tried to cover yourself but he picked you up before you could do anything "A-Ah! Y-Yoichi!" You said as you looked at your position, his still harden member was poking at your wide open entrance, "Nghn!..Haaah..Ah.." You mewled as you grab onto his shoulder for support, "hmmm.." he then slowly enters his tip into you as he moan deeply, you Joilt up as you weren't really ready, you were glad Yoichi at least stop for you to adjust a bit, but it wasn't long until Yoichi runs out of patience and thrusted he rest of himself into you "A-AHH!! Y-Yoichi!" You screamed, He started to thrust at a low pace for you to keep up "Nghn! Fucking hell...you're Nghn, so tight (Y/n)..." "AhhhH~ Yoichi!" You moan uncontrollably, the pleasure flows into your body and made your head felt so dizzy "Y-Yoichi, please, move f-faster.." You beg for him "Heh, alright!" He chuckles darkly before he starts ramming himself into you, "AHH!! F-FUCk! ngHn!" Feeling his huge shaft repeatedly ran into you at an inhuman speed was making you lose yourself, all you could think of is about the pleasure that rise up in your body every seconds, it wasn't long before Yoichi has already leaked and yourself as well, Yoichi suddenly leaned in a bit your neck, making you gasp and moaned out loud, your legs was gonna be numb for sure after this and you're aware of that, "Y-Yoichi!- I-I'm almost there!" You cried out as you tried to grab onto him more so that you don't fall, your eyes has already been bursting out in tears of pleasure and pain, "M-me too.." Yoichi growled in your ear, he then shove himself into you one last powerful time before you could feel his hot seed flowing in you, you climax as well as you screamed out his name, you both took a few minutes before Yoichi pulled out of you, you were panting like a mess "You can't say that was enjoyable..." Yoichi said as his voice got really raspy "Y-yes.." You said before closing your eyes, resting on him as your energy has all drained away as you then fell asleep unknowingly "Huh?...(Y/n)?....Heh, I guess I went too hard on you huh?~" Yoichi smirked again as he pulled up your pants, he already put his shirt and pants on before picking you up bridal style "Well, it's getting dark anyway, let's get my kitten some sleep" Yoichi said before sprinting with you in his arms back into the cabin, he then lay you down onto your bed and went to his own, flopping himself down and yawn, falling asleep as well.
-Extra scene because I'm extra af-
Natsumi was done with his chores as he was on his way back to the cabin with Keitaro and Hiro, when they arrived they saw Hunter, who was on his bed reading his favorite book as usual "Huh? (Y/n)'s asleep already? Usually (Gender) will at least wait for all of us to be back and chat a bit more before actually going to sleep" Keitaro said as he notices you snuggled up in your blankets, already sound asleep "Oh yeah, that's kinda weird?..." Hiro said scratching his head before looking at Hunter "Hey Hunter, did anything happened?.." Hunter didn't take his eyes off the book but reply to Hiro question "Hm, I don't know what happened, when I got back I saw (Y/n) and Yoichi already resting themselves, I didn't want to bother them so I just went and continue to read my book" Hunter explains, finally setting the book down "Maybe she's just really tired today, anyway let's not disturb them, they might wake up. Let's just change and go to bed also, it's late anyway" Natsumi said as he then went into the shower, "Natsumi's right guys, you shouldn't be worry over a little thing, maybe she is just tired today and want to get more energy for tomorrow's activity" Hunter said as he went to store his book somewhere else, "Yeah, you're right, I guess I'm just worrying about (Y/n) too much, especially when (Gender) has a lot of sickness and is kinda weak.." Keitaro said as he felt guilty "Awe come on you silly! Worrying for your friends is a good thing Keitaro, now come on, let's go get change" Hiro said smilling as he dragged Keitaro to go get change, a few minutes later they came back in their normal clothings as they all went to sleep

Welp, that was long(2073 words) and horrible) Alright See ya guys :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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