Loyalty and Dignity

203 16 2

"Let me go, asshole."
"Stay still, you going to ruin this."
"Let me go, I'll handle this. This is my turf."
Hyunwoo stepped back, giving space for the shorter guy to move.
"You sure?"
"Yes. I'll let you know if things go wrong. Just going to talk to the leader of the gang, so chill."

Yoo Kihyun walks off confidently towards the guys that stand around suspiciously at the bar. He cleared his throat, demanding attention from the group. Although subtle, the scary looking men looked relief when they saw Kihyun. Hurriedly, they escorted Kihyun upstairs but Hyunwoo didn't missed the subtle 'okay' sign from Kihyun.
From his in-ear, he can hear his subordinate asking for current status.

"All is good. No worries."
It is Day 10 since the case started, two bodies found with similar scars of killing. High chances of serial killer.
It has been two days since he started working with the private investigator, but he sees no peace coming their way.


Son Hyunwoo lives by his principle; loyalty and dignity come first. You need to have a clear conscience for you to live a noble life. All his life, he wants to fight crimes. World peace need to be restored. With such passion, he managed to be a Detective earlier that his friends that were from the same batch. He is a dedicated officer, one that shines brightly. Even when some are jealous of him, nobody can deny his promotions. He deserved all of that.

When the chief handed him the most complicated case ever, he was determined to solve it. He tried his best, but he knew he needed help. He tried to reach out to as many acquittances, but the answer is still too far away. One day, he received a news that he will be working with a partner. He was fine until he found out who his partner is.

Yoo Kihyun is joining them, Yoo Kihyun as in the Private Investigator. Hyunwoo was conflicted. Know this, Hyunwoo hates people who works for money. People that have no loyalty. Those that use money as a moral compass; doing things just to gain money and luxury. He bloody knows that Private Investigator breaks so many laws but are too cunning that they rarely got caught. To be working with one means that he is betraying his principle, but it is impossible for him to not obey orders from his superior.
And the war started.


Day 12. Number of victims:2
"Can't you guys eat while working?" Kihyun is laying on the couch, just woke up from his nap. He is talking to the two youngest member of the team who are responsible in monitoring the team's movement.

Changkyun turns his chair."I don't know but sometimes the seniors eat in the office."
"Great. I'll order some pizza. Okay?" Kihyun didn't wait for answer and quickly ordered. 30 minutes later, he walked outside to fetch the food and at that perfect timing, Hyunwoo arrived. He noticed the taller guy scoffed at him when he was trying to balance the boxes.
He almost loses his cool but decided to brush it off.

He believed in simple rules. You respect those that respect you. Those who are shitty to you? Well, let's pretend they don't exist. So as much as Hyunwoo hates him, he is more focused on his work. Because deep down, he doesn't like that fella too. Ridiculously rude and selfish.
Sure, he is not a police officer, but he is skilled enough; he is able and talented. For whatever reason Hyunwoo hates him, and he is more than willing to give back the same treatment to that rude detective.


Day 15. Number of victim: 3
It has been a tough day; a new victim was reported in earlier this morning and Hyunwoo is desperate for answers. They cannot let the killer free, killing more people.

"Do you know that Kihyun is on the move?" the chief is standing at the door, eyes on Hyunwoo.
He immediately stood, as a sign of respect to his superior and all his subordinate copies him.
"Kihyun is out there, figuring the case... alone."
Hyunwoo seemed confused.
"He rings me; saying that he will be off radar for few days. He got a lead on the case but was not completely sure yet. He'll be back with answers... if not a dead body. Then, he cuts the line. Now, that is not the problem. He does that a lot, actually."

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