Dear 2019

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Dear 2019,
                I have so much hope for you. This year I really want to focus on my self. I've spent too much time worrying about other people and their views on me, whereas instead I should be worried about bettering myself. That's what I want this year to be about. Spending time with my family. Getting off my phone so much. Little things like that that will overall make me a happier person. 2018 was rough but I hope that I, and everyone else that had a rough year, can leave that in the past and not let it weigh down our new year. I hope 2019 can be an amazing year for all of us and that we can all learn, heal, and progress through life. Below I'm including all my New Years resolutions, when I achieve one i will come back and check it off. Then I'll make a chapter on what it was exactly and how I achieved it. ( The list is in no specific order)

My 2019 New Years Resolutions-
1. Stop using your phone as much as you do now.
2. Stop procrastinating school work and practice.
3. Break out of your shell. Meet new people. Be social in social events.
4. Do good for society/ do community service
5. Get better relationships with my family (my friends know why this is hard :/)
6. Get my gun license and start hunting with my dad.
7. Pick up a new hobby! And practice! Get good at it!
8. Get to where you want to be in baton. Go to the gym for practice!
9. Get in shape! Workout and even possibly get a gym membership in April.
10. Become a better writer and be confident in your writing!
11. Do things that will benefit you and start putter yourself first.
12. Start doing things! Put yourself out there. Get that journal from Michaels. Make a 2019 bucket list and complete it!

And other little ones! :)

Lots of love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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